other than race baiting this is the only bullet in the democrats’ gun and the clock is ticking toward ‘22 meanwhile uncle joe is imposing more mask mandates….
Remember when ARMED protesters stormed the Michigan capitol to protest draconian lock downs by Gov 'Whitless'? Wonder why this was never dubbed an insurrection? These guys were armed to the teeth and not a single person was shot, let alone killed.
Don't visit here often however did a drive by today and looks like Winston has become totally woke not even hiding it anymore. Anyone here still think he is a middle of the road conservative that he tries to portrait to evryone? Still sad that he got as old as he is without gaining any common sense. Am I banned again?
It’s awake not woke. Today left and right are two sides of the same coin. Both want total power and the government to take care of them. I hope you’re not banned Kiki as you add fun to the site.
You can't be serious. On second thought, disregard, you are serious. The only thing I get directly from the government are monetary benefits that I earned.