Liberals own the media. Making chicken shit out of chicken shit as usual. Joe Biden & criminal family are under investigation right now. You likely have heard nothing of this from your "Sauces". Time to Turn the Beat around?
I guess this trial paves the way for Biden and Clintons accusers. That is, unless Killory gets to them 1st.
Let me correct you. Biden’s son is under investigation. Why are you turning the conversation away from sex investigations and convictions? Your changing subject is what’s chicken shit. Trying to find anything that’ll stick. Unlike you insurrectionists, I’m not ok with anything Biden or his son is doing. I hope that if Hunter did something criminal that he gets what he deserves. On the other hand, you are saying it’s ok to commit sexual assault because you support a president who was convicted of it.
And I damn well would never support any candidate who was convicted of, or indicted for that matter, of sexual assault or any other significant crime.
You guys keep deflecting. How can a respectable human with any moral base keep sucking the ass of a former president who has been convicted of sexual assault, admitted to paying off another porn star, and has multiple other investigations that look likely he’ll be indicted on?