Democrat Senator warns of "revolution" if Roe v Wade is overturned. Of course, no one objects if Democrats do something like this. Dem senator warns Supreme Court of 'revolution' if Roe v. Wade is overturned (
Funny, remember when we told you the pee pee tape was a hoax, and we told you the Russian thing was a bunch of made up bullshit. Remember all the other times and we told you it was bullshit...
But you don't understand Shane Trump joked about grabbing vaginas in a men's locker room and tweets. How dare he! Why he should be impeached again and thrown in jail. After all Winston has his values. Biden does not joke about vaginas and doesn't tweet Winston's values are fulfilled.
insurrection [ˌinsəˈrekSH(ə)n] NOUN a violent uprising against an authority or government. What was the goal of the people who stormed our Capitol on January 6? Why did they do it?
storm /stôrm/ Learn to pronounce verb past tense: stormed; past participle: stormed 1. move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction. You got it right the second time.
First unarmed 'insurrection' in the history of insurrections. She really looks like she has deadly intentions. You scared of her @Rex? Such an angry, violent mob, yet they respected the velvet ropes on their murderous journey to hang Pelosi and AOC.
Unarmed? Just a tourist event? Five people died. Scores of Capitol officers were assaulted. Many injuries. WATCH: video timeline of Jan. 6 attack on U.S. Capitol - YouTube By the way, I'm curious... do you believe that the election was stolen, as trump claims?