We are the only Southeastern state with a damn Liberal governor. A constant source of embarrassment, imo. Yes by all means, let the GOP put up a far weaker candidate so that tranny Michael Obama can "Romney" the weaker candidate & play on the faux "Good 'ol Obama days" to wishy washy independents. I thought the object of an election was to actually win, not to flail around like a caught fish left in a boat.
Donald Trump ‘Unworthy to Be This Country’s Chief Executive Again,’ Murdoch-Owned New York Post Declares https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/donald-trump-unworthy-country-chief-214959863.html
Your party claimed Reagan had Dementia. I guess there is no need to point out the irony. You really seem to know very little about Reagan. Not surprised though.
My party, the Reagan Republican Party, realizes that Reagan would have never supported the current Russian dictator like Trump does. He supported democracy and always opposed fascism from any source. That's something the current Republican Party seems to have forgotten.
Thats funny. The weapons Trump gave Ukraine caused a lot of damage to uhhhhh Russia. More than any other president SINCE Reagan. You should spend more time reading and less doing whatever it is you waste time on. You would be wrong less often.
The object is to win HONORABLY. Not to win the way Trump wants to win. Trump wants to win elections in the same manner that Putin "wins" elections.