January 6

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i already answered this . i said i dont care. please pay attention.

    let me explain this again, you are asking this as a way to imply/accuse trump if angrily overpowering something or everything and destroying our democratic institutions.

    it doesnt matter what trump likes and doesnt. if desantis wins, he wins, just like when biden won, trump peacefull left the white house.

    why dont you tell us the stupid specifics of your imagination? trump gets a gang together and overthrows the convention with guns?
    Perple likes this.
  2. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Trump isn't a true hand shaking politician. He actually had a real job before becoming President. If he lost, he'll support who he wants.
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i would like trump as desantis secretary of state. trump was fucking excellent on foreign policy, which is interesting given he had no experience or education in it
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    ok. so what? why does it matter if he "gets over it"? are we in any way as a people invested in his feelings?

    again, this is you implying we have something to fear from trump being upset. we dont.
  5. seabrookcajun

    seabrookcajun Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2004
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    Well you sure care enough to continue posting about it. If you didn't care you wouldn't post so adamantly about not caring. Look, Trump is not the type to just accept a loss and bow out. He always wants the spotlight. You know that if he loses to DeSantis he will make life miserable for DeSantis and the GOP.
  6. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Some see Fox News trying their best to push DeSantis hard. "We need new blood" etc. Fox mostly filled with RINOs. Neil Cavuto? Jesus. While it's true the country has caught Aids under these clown-ass Liberals, Trump has already proved himself. The record he produced in 4 years is better than Ronald Reagans 8 years, by quote a bit.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    bud you kept asking. my polite answering of everything you ask cannot be construed to mean i was lying when i said i am not concerned about what you asked me about. please try to understand basic logic. is your claim that i care what trump does because i fear his taking over the country? why dont you just speak for me and tell me what i care about if you are the expert.

    again, you are just doing this to imply trump is dangerous, this is the dem talking point. unfortunately you are unwilling to go into specifics about what the issue is, you just ask over and over about how we are concerned about trump conceding he lost to desantis.

    can you explain why we should care about this? i repeat, can you explain the specific way you imagine this to be a concern? will he ransack the GOP convention with more viking hat guys?

    well he sure did bow out and leave the white house without much urging.
    Perple likes this.
  8. seabrookcajun

    seabrookcajun Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2004
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    Trump would gladly sabotage DeSantis just to get his personal revenge. That's his maniacal personality. Is that really what you want? Another Democrat President? But, as you said, you don't care about that.

    BWAAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah. That's why we are having Jan 6 hearings in Congress, right?
    "You better fight like hell or you won't have a country".
    Doesn't sound like bowing out and leaving without urging to me.
  9. seabrookcajun

    seabrookcajun Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2004
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    You said it better than me. There is a Republican civil war on the horizon. Mega donors are already backing DeSantis instead of Trump. They are tired of Trump's antics. Pick your side, gentlemen.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    this claim is wholly without evidence. this is you imagining things to be critical of. repeat, your imagination.

    i sense sarcasm. please be an adult and dont be sarcastic. sometimes i suspect people are sarcastic because they cannot deal with the arguments being made sincerely and cannot defend their points.

    lets presume your sarcastic answer there is a disagreement that trump left the white house without incident. but he did. he just left. that was it, there was no drama and power was transferred to biden. can you explain without saying something sarcastic or pretending something is funny? "BWAAHAHA" is not an argument.

    like i said, youy are just reciting dem talking points, in particulat the claim that trump is so dangerously authoritarian that we need to fear him destroying our democracy. this is so absurd that you dont say it directly, preferring to accuse him by asking questions that imply danger from him not accepting his loss.

    again i ask, can you describe what it is we should be concerned about in terms of if he loses to desantis? you seem to be desperate to not disccus this, and instead laughing or saying something sarcastic.

    repeat: can you describe the specific fear we should have if trump loses to desantis? will he attack the convention?

    you seem eager to ask questions but desperately opposed to explaining the specific allegations those questions imply. you keep asking if we really think trump will just accept that he loses as if his non acceptance is of any real concern to us. why are his emotions relevant? lots of people have lost races before. this is only important to you inasmuch as you want to slyly accuse and imagine trump of destabilizing our institutions.

    again, trump left office. he left the white house. it was uneventful. even if you reply with a million sarcastic lols.

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