Still trying to figure out how this works....if viking horns had gotten into the House chamber and stolen the ballot box, would he have been declared president? If Jan. 6 was an insurrection, why has not a single person been charged with insurrection? While some people caused some damage, and a few innocent people got roughed up, why has no one been charged with a felony? Fact is, the "insurrection" that the left would like to portray this as is simply not possible. Ah, you say, it does not matter if it was possible, what's important is their intent. Right, the intent was so heinous that of all the hundreds who swarmed the Capitol (and I reasonably assume these were all gun-loving 2A'ers), NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM remembered to bring a gun to take over the government with! On the other hand, in Portland, a large group of left wingers not only caused millions of dollars of damage to public property, they cordoned off a large section of downtown and declared themselves to be the lawful authority within the area. They built walls, they set up checkpoints where those who may have wanted to enter were vetted, and exacted violence on those who tried to violate their authority. This went on for several weeks, and rightful authority of the city was powerless to prevent it. The very definition of insurrection.
You make the incorrect assumption that an insurrection requires firearms. I disagree that the city was powerless. The city leaders chose to do nothing.
Are you really not seeing what Biden and the DEMOCRATS are doing? Do you only watch CNN, MSNBC and the View? Tell me you are really not this misinformed?
Also, do you find it odd that in the most armed country on the planet, we had an insurrection with no firearms?
Powerless or not, Antifa made no bones that they were replacing lawful authority. No one involved in Jan. 6 said anything about overthrowing the government. And you want to argue that guns were not necessary? OK....what would the unarmed 1/6 protesters have needed to overthrow armed police defending the capitol? I'd say numbers and will. The video and pictures seem to indicate they had the numbers. What they didn't have was the will; i.e., intent.
Why did they break into the Capitol Building? Because their intent was to halt the count of electoral ballots, which would legitimately start the Constitutional transfer of power from Trump to Biden. They succeeded for a few hours. There was definitely a will.
question: how many insurrections have happened without tanks and guns? As I heard elsewhere today, jan 6 was. The first to be accomplished by people taking selfies do you really believe what you are espousing?