You guys call every news source anti-Trump. What news sources do you consider valid? I'm looking for actual names of the news sources.
first of all 'you guys' isn't a good designator. I think independently, critically, and not prone to group think. Maybe do a little research on the 'news' you're consuming? If you did, you'd find that the bulwark is simply the let out to pasture national review cabal led by bill kristol. they are uch like the lincoln project in that they seek to further the democratic agenda in hopes of 'saving' the republican party. sound familiar?.....
Again everyone has been trying to trash the source, yet the author of the memo is a well known attorney. Has he denied any of it? Until he does maybe you ought to consider it factual. Try replying to the content rather than whining.
That’s not how it works. If it was, you would have believed The transcript of Trumps Jan 6th speech but we know what you did with that. Threw it in the fucking trash you did.