How does that mean actual guilt? OJ wasn't convicted. As a trumpian on a jury, would you have enough integrity to vote him guilty? I don't think so. trumpians are short on honesty and intellect.
Kiki you still don’t read what I post about Biden. When have I given him a pass? Aren’t I the one who has started most of the threads that are critical of Biden. Try again. You might not like my position on Trump but to accuse me of being soft on Biden is wrong. It’s a shame that our political class has devolved so much. Biden was laughed out of presidential politics 30 years ago because he’s a lying fool. He hasn’t changed a bit and we’re worse because of it. One of the few things Obama was right about was his comment the he could trust Joe to do the wrong thing every time. Of course you know my opinion of Trump. The country is screed unless we elect some adults who understand. Frankly it’s not the politicians. We only are getting what we deserve.
i see so you have created a fantasy where trump never even ends up court because the american justice system is broken. got it. that really pretty incredible how trump managed to break the entire judicial system so he can get away witth terrible crimes.
Not only did he do that, he did it with an entire body of lawmakers that would love nothing more than to throw him under the jail. Man that guy is really impressive, ALLLLLLL these people with the power to end him and he just breaks law after law and they look the other way...until they try to get him on something that was created out of thin air and the attempt fails miserably. Twice!
trump is kind of a clown. whats worse than trump is the anti-trump people that hate trump so much is drove them insane. trumpism is mildly kooky. its ok, policies are generally good. what i really despise is the performative hate for trump. i am anti-antitrump.
I didn't say trump would not end up in court. Your bet was that he'd never be convicted, nothing about indictment. There's a very strong chance both Letitia James and Merrick Garland will bring their cases to grand juries for indictments. My assertion is that once in court trumpians such as yourself lack the integrity to apply the rule of law to vote to convict, even with evidence beyond a doubt. I will even say that if you should serve on such a jury you would vote to acquit simply to win a bet.
i see and you believe the trumpists have ruined normal courts but not grand juries? are the walls closing in? this time for real? sounds like i am a bad person. but you are a racist so neither are without our flaws i guess. keep in mind the only point of discussing anything is to eventually insult the other guy, usually to say he is racist. and i did it most recently so i am winning.
“In the middle of Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, Donald Trump's priority on Tuesday was urging Vladimir Putin to hand over any documents he may have about Hunter Biden's dealings with Russian oligarchs.” ——Daily Mail, UK (3/29/2022)