why would they do that, you just told us what happened. these scenarios where we imagine things for the sake of showing people are hypocrites are dumb. imagine if trump had said he was gonna exclude certain races from his supreme court nominee. like if he said no black men or asian women like biden did. also you are a racist
This isn’t imagination. A federal judge just wrote that Trump committed felony obstruction of Congress on January 6. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840.260.0.pdf
whats still interesting about this is that even though you guys and the media love to say we almost lost our democracy, you are always unwilling to answer what almost means. 20% chance? .00000000000000001% chance? becasue to answer that question honestly would be mean we could effectively ignore this dumb story and stop using it as a political cudgel. hillary baked a fake russia story, to imply trump is a putin loving authoritarian, which is a stupid lie, and now we have to pretend he almost became our supreme leader. you guys just wont give up this dumb story. it must be because trump is a racist dolt and you guys are the opposite, super smart ant-racists. this is a great eample of how the media works, how they spread lies for ratings and their own aggrandizement. and people buy it. midwits i like to call them.
It’s not the “one”. It is the first serious legal commentary on his actions that day. It’s very rare that a federal judge would include something like that in his ruling unless there is really damning information. It won’t be the “one” until he’s indicted tried and convicted. That unfortunately is still a long shot.
why do you think that is? failure of the justice system? let me guess. you are 100% unwilling to accept that he is innocent. you will never give that up. right? he is guilty for sure right? and yet curiously you know he wont be convicted or even charged. again i note here that not only do you repeat the leftist talking points, you use the same exact words, like "walls closing in". but they never close in, and you keep listening. seems like you would learn to ignore them instead of advancing their dumb theories and lies like "we almost lost our democracy" when you realize the mainstream media hates trump and lies about him because they think anything that hurts him is good even if untrue, you will see the world a little more clearly.
Oh "A" judge. Well that does it "A" judge wrote that so we must all bow down to this "A" judge. He must be a really special judge to be "A" judge certaintly the ultimate authority. Well I guess Trump really does suck.
So, the judge is lying about him? How is the media lying about him when they reported what the judge said? It's YOU trumpians who lie about him.