Of course handling ballots is important. And I have no doubt that digging around after a year its possible to find errors and instances of cheating. I also have no doubt those exist on for both major candidates. Its politics by two groups who are integrity challanged. It's not perfect, but nothing shows anything was material to the election. Which is really what matters. If I examine Adriana Lima's entire body I'm sure I could find a flaw in her skin somewhere, but that doesn't mean she isn't gorgeous. There's just a few things to work on and change. There always will be. Just like elections. Even if you got everything you wanted changed in the election process today, 4 years from now there would be things to improve. And there always will be. The only thing different in this election is the loser's ego kept him from accepting defeat. And then he figured out he could rake in more cash whining about it. That's why it's incredibly stupid when you guys say it's not about Trump. It's about Trump because he demands attention. Anybody else that lost would have moved on by now, and you and I would have also. If we stop talking about him he will do something to get back in the spotlight.
I lost?… you don’t seem to be very rational… maybe you’re more Lawrence O’Donnell than Rachel Maddow… seriously, you should try to calm down before you have a stroke or something….
Trump spent his entire 4 years in office violating the public records act. Edit. Some of the documents were classified
No stroke here. only tired of losers continuing to whine more than a year after they got soundly beat the shit out of.
Now why would trump flush printed paper down the toilet? His staff is telling us that he also ate some.