I am keeping up. You bring up issues and when the discussion turns sideways on you post some bullshit. So that we're clear and aligned, I'm talking about the 2020 election and the post election accusations of fraud, vote stealing, vote 'creation', and other stuff that Trump says cheated him out of his 2nd term. I thought you were also. But if instead you want to discuss the delivery guy not getting a second signature when he delivered the ballots I'm not interested. I got better ways to waste time.
what you have is so short of being report worthy. i used to write reports to management. i would be fired for giving what you have to management and leaving it at that. what was ever done with this info? were the results of this "contract" acted upon. supposedly they paid money to acquire this info. for sure there had to be some action taken afterward. otherwise, this "contract" was a waste of money. why wasn't it front page news? this report should be in the hands of the mypillow guy to argue to the supreme court. we are in texas, as you like to point out. where is the time stamp? what i see has no merit without actions taken as a result of this report.
i wish rand's neighbor would move next door to 45. hailey dosn't know what she wants, but she's afraid of 45. desantis would be close to be 45 like. cheney could run as an independent and get support from both sides. history will look favorably on her and kinzinger. pence has no chance. he may as well come clean on what he knows about his years with 45. history would look more kind on him if he did.
Yea, handling of ballots has nothing to do with the election. Next time, just say you dont want to watch the hearing and read the reports because that would take your team and possibly challenge what you already believe.
They banned use of the Dominion machines moron. That IS action. Jesus. You people have smooth brains...
Invincible ignorance fallacy. We get it. You guys like this circle of life. I post facts, you say you dont like the source, etc.
Suggested homework for you guys. Read up on: Egocentric predicament Frankly discussions here never go anywhere because all you guys do is assume some TDS view of where the knowledge came from. You guys are incapable of separating events in isolation separate from Trump. Everything is Trump therefore everything is wrong.
i guess they did. i didn't know because i have faith the overall system, even in a state as corrupt as texas. does than mean i can start a conspiracy theory that texas chose different voting machines because they are easy to manipulate and favor 45? i can claim that is why trump won texas! on the other hand, those states that did use dominion voting machines and later had hand recounts showed no problems, even making biden victory by a little wider margin if i recall. so no, your paid contract was probably just a waste of money. if anything, the soon-to-be on trial AG of Texas wasted taxpayer money. those hand counts proved that. I'd have to question the evidence that went into that report to support the conclusion the voting machines could not be relied on.
Sure you can claim. However the difference is I provided evidence. What supports your claims? This isn’t a Trump issue. If you can let go of TDS you could see that. All election systems should be auditable.