Very well said. America needs good statesmen that can work together to enact good effective policy. We used to have that. Unfortunately, we now have mostly obstructionists and partisans on both sides and I don't see it changing. It's time for a moderate third party to play king maker.
if i were 25 lbs lighter and had a head full of hair i'd be a movie star.... my left leaning friends forget that the 4th estate will never allow a 3rd party....
I agree that the left doesn’t want competition but neither does the right. The entrenched parties want to maintain power. BTW historically it’s only when one party collapses a new one rises. Last time was in 1860 when the Whigs dissolved and the Republicans rose. It takes a major change in the political environment to create the opportunity. In fact the parties have changed positions and ideologies over time.
you are not married to, nor are you working for, the president. his job is about policy, not character. you hve trump derangement syndrome. you want to be critical of him personally. you dont seem to care about policy outcomes.
we barely need any new policy or legislation. the more obstructionism the better. we dont constantly need new laws. if we had zero new policy for years we would be fine
To not understand that character matters only shows your immaturity and naïveté. The foundation of good policy is built on character. It’s not policy or math but foundational principles that lead us to be better. It provides strength to do what’s right rather than what’s easy. George Washington could have been king but had the character to see the best future was a limited presidency. The leaders of the American revolution risked their place, property and lives because they had the character to do what was right. Abraham Lincoln could have let the south go but understood the right path was to hold it. George HW Bush had the character to manage the collapse of the Soviet Union and the first Gulf war in a way that provided the best outcome. Winston Churchill had the character to defy Hitler alone and hold up a country doing so. Bad character is as destructive as good character is beneficial. If you need a list of examples try the current leadership of the Democrats.
imagine a polician with poor character (and you shouldnt have to imagine hard, as there are plenty of examples on both sides), but imagine you agreed with all his policy. and he is doing whatever makes the economy better. people have jobs. the military isnt dying overseas. minorities are getting more chances. the veterans are getting taken care of. the threat of our military power is keepnig the peace. now, you still care if this guy talks about grabbing pussy? you say fuck the poor people that benefit from his policies? fuck the military kids who still have their dads alive because of good policy? when JFK was managing the cuba missile crisis, were you more concerned about his wild and basically unlimited infidelity to poor poor jackie? do you care about a persons personal issue over the well being of millions? biden is a dishonest piece of garbage. but i dont care. i care that he is a wild overspending lunatic tryin to ruin the economy and destroy our energy infrastructure. that he is a rapist is not a big deal to anyone but the lady who he jams his old fingers inside. try to think about the well being of people, not who you want to be friends with. thats not character its policy, and the worst shitbag in the world could have been just as opposed to hitler. you think stalin is great for him hating hitler and beating the nazis even more than we did?
Spot on. Its really absurd - most of us would not trust the people we vote into office to babysit our children - but once you accept that politicians are virtually all morally bankrupt, you can put that aside and focus on policy, which is what we should have been doing all along. I don't look to politics for role models any more than I look to sports or other entertainment for the same.