of course you dont know, because we are talking about two separate events that have very little to do with each other. 1. plan by trump to revisit votes 2. plan by maga kooks to invade capitol number 1 is a complicated political maneuver, that seems fairly unlikely to do anything number 2 is nonsense tiny event that didnt do anything and never could in a trillion years. but you on the left keep pushing this lie that 300 clowns can overthrow the country. its a lie, and you should stop repeating it and implying it. forget those clowns. if you want to push this faggot ass narrative that trump tried to overturn the election, focus on the things trump did, which is not much. dont worry about some trespassing event at a govt building. that doesnt do anything.
In his own words Trump admitted he intended to overturn the election results…and yes the riot was an integral part of the plan.
Byron York with much needed clarity: @byronyork No, Pence could not have done anything. Whole Eastman theory rested on assumption that court or legislature had thrown out Biden electors or submitted dueling slates of electors. But no court or legislature did any such thing.
Of course Trump was challenging the reported results of the election!! But ... challenging the results and expecting the system to work for transparency, truth, and justice, is not the same thing as "overthrowing the government", which is the charge connected to the so called "insurrection". The fact that the magnetic door lock had to be opened from the inside tellls you all you need to know about "who" was behind the protestors entering the building!!
"He could have overturned the election!" His constitutional stupidity aside, that was the entire reason the orange jackass incited the crowd to invade the place where Pence was working, as we've been saying all along.
I'm wondering this morning: does trump believe he improves his chances of not being indicted by the DOJ by declaring at a rally that he will pardon all those seditionists the DOJ has already indicted? Yes, I think he does.
Just because Trump is ignorant of how to challenge accuracy of votes doesn’t mean we almost lost our democracy.
No way of knowing how a civil war would have turned out. Also, there can be no discounting of the abject partisanship of some Republican judges and "justices".