January 6

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    How many people had to die for you to no longer considered it a peaceful protest? How much more damage do you need? Earlier you called it a made up event that never happened - the people on both sides that were there tell it quite differently. In this conversation I'm not talking about the peaceful protesters outside. Were you there with the people in the building? Do you think they were just easily fooled by some kind of special effects that fooled us all? Or do you think everyone involved on both sides is in a conspiracy of lying?

    jmg says that since a few hundred moronic Trump supporters didn't force congress to make one of them president - then nothing really very important happened. Since he set such a brilliantly reasonable threshold I'm shocked, shocked I say, that we can't find common ground. I've addressed why I think it's important several times but he came back and repeated the same old shit today at 3. Hey jmg, reading comprehension can be your friend. And for the things that did really did happen - like death? Well oh no no no that didn't happen jmg says its just media lies. I guess I missed the media that reported there were no deaths in the insignificant event on 1/6.

    If 1/6 was no big deal, and its not an important topic; why are there about 10 times as many posts in almost a year as the Boobie and Heinnie thread? In some cases with more passion. Inexplicable!!
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    can you describe why it was important?

    yunno how many murders there were in baton rouge in 2021? 149. but only one died on jan 6, shot by cops. given that the loss of life was tiny and like a basic week where many of us here live, why was it such an enormous event that still dominates left wing media and democrats need to investigate forever?

    can we at least establish that overthrow of our govt was incredibly unlikely?

    given the small loss of life, and the chance of govt overthrow being infinitesimal, why so important?

    can you give me an estimate for how many times out of 100 this effort to destroy democracy woulc be successful? i say zero. zero out of a trillion.
    Frogleg and LSUpride123 like this.
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    the wise man knows there is no correlation between importance of event and extent to which said event is discussed by dweebs like us online
    Frogleg and LSUpride123 like this.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I called it a riot. When you call it an insurrection, that is what I said was made up. Its not factual.

    This is very important to understand. Like when Martin used the cat analogy. If a 3 lb cat attacked you, you dont claim you almost died. Its statistically impossible. Sure, you can say it, but its false. Plenty of people say things that are false all the time.

    Another analogy is sports. In 2019, Bama scored just before the game ended making it seem like it was really close. Bama fans routinely say that. We all know that was a lie.

    2+2 always = 4. There is no "common" ground because you dont want to add.

    Martin even brought up the BLM riots AT the CAPITAL months prior. More damage. More people died. They attacked the capital PLUS dozens of other US cities and government buildings. A group even captured a large portion of a city and CLAIMED IT... Did we call it an insurrection? No. Even though 90% of people in the BLM riot would have loved to take Trump out... Also, even if they did so manage, the government would not have collapsed under their rule.

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
    shane0911 and Frogleg like this.
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    for sure there were savage riots at the white house, and they had to hold back folks from literally running inside to punch trump in the face, with intent to rid him of his legit position as a leader, thereby overthrowing democracy.

    but they had no chance, and the white house could probably by itself fight off 30 thousand idiots in 2 minutes if they opened fire on em. and thats why the attacks on the white house are not a big deal.

    the capitol riots only are significant to me in that they expose our cop tactics as too weak.

    i have seen riots overseas and the cops dont play. they come out beating. in particular i have seen riots in athens, belgrade and medellin, and in all cases cops have a line, and when crossed, the beatings come, and hard. and then the crowd backs off. and also the water canon, which can blow a person to the moon with a direct shot. thats what we need. less tolerance for violent protest. that is the only lesson. but the capitol wasnt the primary lesson, that was probably portland, where an idiot threw a molotov in the window of the fed building like every minute for weeks. it was a constant battle to destroy a federal building and burn it to the ground. and the cops barely beat the fuck out of anyone. thats why they felt confident enough to burn that old historic church near the WH. and they molotov'd a residential building where the mayor of portland lives. everyone involved with that should be in prison for life for arson. a flaming skyscraper is the scariest thing there is. but cops let them, owing to our general pussification about cop violence, caused by lies spread about their behavior and selective reporting that lied about cop racism.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    "set ablaze and thrown into a ground-floor storefront in the residential building.

    Around the same time, police arrived and warned over a loudspeaker that the gathering had been declared an unlawful assembly, then a riot. Officers ordered people to leave to the west.

    The 16-story building contains 114 residences"

    114 residences in an apartment tower. and these fuckers set the ground floor business on fire. cops should have start putting bullets into skulls. residents should have come outside themselves and start killing protesters. i would if you lit my house on fire. we are way too patient with protest and it has been getting dangerously out of control. and anyone who even holds a molotov cocktail in their hand deserves a bullet, before that bottle smashes onto a cop and burns him alive.

    and the left kept supporting protests, kamala talking of bailing out the violent baddies.

    why no congressional investigation? it was a 16 story residential building they lit on fire!
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    also yesterday or whenever that was that the muslim took the jews hostage at the synagogue in texas is a more significant story, because islam is a far more dangerous ideology, capable of infinitely more destruction than MAGA clownism.
  8. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    I've repeatedly said the insurrectionists had no chance to succeed. I addressed all of this yesterday afternoon, AGAIN, about why it was important even though there was no way Trumps moronic supporters would win the day. You didn't respond to my points and referred to the certification of elections as a procedure. Calling the once in 4 years congressional session to certify the presidential elections the same name as colonoscopy is telling. You can't comprehend the importance because you don't know the significance. Then @LSUpride123 took half a sentence, misrepresented what it said, and used that to say 1/6 was a nonevent. Then added some inane comment about Vikings kidnapping Pence wouldn't have mattered either. If you have no better responses than that you two can go back to conversations that are insult-athons. I'll wait for something original or engaging to jump back in.

    I just regret you weren't my competition in the debate championships. I could have wiped the floor with you too on my worst day.
  9. APPTiger

    APPTiger still unable to post Geaux Tigers!

    Feb 18, 2008
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    I've had some downtime lately and been nosing around. It seems there people who somehow get into the capitol building every day and harass members of congress as they go about their duties. After 1-6 how is this possible? Oh they're only harassing Republican members, that's how.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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