but you still say it is a big deal. it isnt. presidents not acknowledging they lost is common and not a big deal. trump doing it hasnt damaged anything anymore than the russia hoax damaged us when hillary and the media said trump was installed with russian assistance.
It was and you know it, but you can't say it. I'm sorry. I must have missed the part where Hilary's people trashed the capitol building, forced Congress to flee the certification of election, and several people died.
hillary's people didnt trash the building. instead, they paid for a guy to make up a fake dossier on trump and his involvement with russia and spread lies to delegitimize his presidency, and the media loved it. why is that a jan 6th a "big deal"? you dont lose the country when people trespass and smash windows. so the procedure was delayed a few hours. why is that a big deal? also i dont think anyone died, i thik the media lied about that. to be clear, your position isnt that our democracy was in peril, but it was a "big deal" for some other reason? what reason is that?
Right on. There was a serious threat to get Trump out of office and subvert our republic. I’m multiple ways. Why isn’t these insurrectionist pursued? This was a legitimately serious attempt. They had a significant chance of overthrowing our government.
Just another of your endless lies. Hillary didn't pay anybody "to make up" anything. The Fusion GPS research, including Christopher Steele, was initially funded by a Republican during the Republican primaries in an attempt to get dirt on trump. When it became obvious that trump was the Republican candidate, the DNC and the Clinton campaign retained Fusion GPS for themselves.
Another of your endless lies. Why don't you call Mr. Sicknick's family to tell them their son is still alive? You're disgusting.
right, i just said that, hillary paid for the lies. you think that steele dossier is true? its not bruh its lies and the media adored it and the whole russia nonsense, all of which was utter nonsense. in fact i think trump doesnt believe he won the elction, he is just a petty person and is doing the same thing back to the dems that they did to him, pretending the democrat was not really elected.
nah, that dude had 2 strokes well after the capitol nonsense, thats why nobody wil be charged with his murder. maybe you are thinking of the muslim insurrection that killed officer william evans at the capitol on april 2.
That's not what you said. You said Hillary paid somebody to make up things. And Steele's dossier doesn't "make up things", anyway.