Fine. Then all he and his subordinates had to do was show up and expose the hatchet job instead of hiding. While not explicitly stated in the Constitution, Congressional investigative power has been recognized since that start of this nation. A quick Google search will result in many references.
Man, that's a very tough question. I agree more with Trump on policy, but he is such an a-hole. It is very telling that he always throws others under the bus. Even his most ardent supporters. He never admits when he is wrong and never apologizes for anything. It's always someone else's fault. He keeps firing people until he eventually gets his way. He has no problem gaslighting people. No conscience. As a person he is slime and I just can't support that. A President needs to set a much better example. That's why I held my nose and voted for Biden. At least he is a DIFFERENT devil. This country is in desperate need of a 3rd party to rein in the fanatics on both sides. What are your thoughts? Better off under Trump or Biden?
Trump without question. Granted he's an asshole, but I would prefer having an asshole who's willing to protect & defend our interests rather than a clueless, senile clown whose lucky if he knows what day of the week it is.
I hear what you are saying, but you also need someone with a conscience. It really is a no-win situation.
the issue is actual policy, not how you imagine women to have balls again, the critics fail to make specific policy criticisms. it doesnt matter who you think has balls or whatever. or getting called on a subpoena on russia bullshit. its about policy. jobs, inflation, law and order, immigration, etc. liberals seems to have endless criticism for trump, provided those criticisms are utterly frivolous and irrelevant. if the economy is good and there are no new wars, thats a good president, probably.
its amazing to me that people care about this even the tiniest bit. it speaks to how privileged and spoiled we are. he does not need to set an example, thats completely irrelevant. and none of the other stuff you said matters for shit. what mattes is policy outcomes. POLICY OUTCOMES. low inflation. low unemployment. thats the shit that matters. if he is a "slime" personally, thats completely beside the point and should be of zero consequence to anyone.