I saw the first photo. That's when the police tear gassed the protestors and got a bunch of people riled up. That and Ray Epps and the crew staging and instigating. You're blind. The coup is happening right now, and the next step is removing the filibuster. No stop till we're assimilated in the global socialist order. How dare the American middle class stall this grand vision? With our guns, freedom, and prosperity.
Are you too stupid or too unwilling to read the actual plan? It broke into the Capitol; people died in the process, including Capitol Police. Pence, electors, and lawmakers who were there to perform their constitutional duties went into hiding. So, you're lying. Again, you're lying.
Oh you’ve got it. Obviously the 3+ hours of video showing MAGA followers assulting police, ransacking offices and chasing through the capital calling for Pence and Pelosi’s head is all agitprop. Right! You’re so blinded by lies and hate you can’t see or stand the truth.
I didnt see the 3 hour video. But i imagine it didnt begin with the tear gassing of protestors. I'm sure it didn't show Ray Epps pushing the barricade and ordering a bunch of riled up boomers to enter. I'm sure it didn't show the multiple police officers very recognizably clad in dark gear and outfits standing right behind Ashley Babbit when the Capitol Police officer took careful aim and shot her dead. I'm sure Hollywood had lots of fun working with the Democrats in slicing and dicing that video. I don't have time for propaganda.
He's blinded as all cultists are blinded. He BEGINS with a biased view, then finds some group that buttresses that view, who all then cherrypick information, resisting the totality of evidence, embracing a leader who is the holy embodiment of their prejudices and presuppositions.
Their claim is we are always 1 man and 1 emergency declaration away from living under Hitler 2.0. Nevermind the fact Biden is asking OSHA to force me to carry "papers"....
none of that stuff overthrows the govt. they could blow up the whole city of washington and we would not "lose our democracy" our democracy is not contained in capitol cops, in pelosis office, or in the halls of congress. thats why this is so stupid. stop thinking our government is located physically at the capitol.
only one person died jan 6, babbit. more capitol cops were killed in the black muslim insurrection months later
so many liberal ideas are imagining catastrophe in the future that never happens. but since its the future we re meant to worry about it endlessly. the globe will warm and we will all die! trump will be our dictator! when? dont worry its gonna happen and we should be scared