Instead of your ad-hominems, why don't you try reading the articles? Are you SERIOUSLY asserting that Preston Padden and Roger Ailes and the judge in the Tucker Carlson case are "left wing pieces"?
You repeatedly fail to give an explicit example of Fox News lying or propaganda. Like the kind i gave you for CNN. You got nothing.
Among others, besides the Tucker Carlson case: Fox Settled a Lawsuit Over Its Seth Rich Lies. Defamation lawsuit against ex-Fox News anchor also must be settled despite previous Fox defamation settlement
I just gave you SEVERAL, not to mention the $1.6 billion defamation suit filed by Dominion/Smartmatic for their lies. Now, how do you rebut the word of Fox top executive, himself, Preston Padden, who says that Fox is a lying network and is poison for America? How do you rebut the word of Fox lawyers, themselves, who admit that Tucker Carlson, Fox's highest rated broadcaster, can not be taken seriously? Attempting to assert that Fox is no worse than CNN is like claiming that -10 is the additive inverse of 2. Doesn't work that way.
Nobody except CNN and Sandmann know how much the settlement was, but it was almost certainly nowhere near $250 million.
all that jibber jabber and all you really have is Seth Rich, which was about Hannity (opinion) "connecting the dots" or whatever. I raise you 2 real left wing NEWS lies - Sandman and Rittenhouse. And you know the list is long.
I gave you a lot more than that, which you refuse to read. CNN is a news network. It sometimes employs commentators who sometimes make mistakes. Fox, on the other hand, BY ITS OWN MOUTH, is an "entertainment" network, whose policy is to LIE, by the mouths of its own people. I gave you the proof of that as well. And there is MUCH MORE where that came from. 50 Fox News lies in 6 seconds