this is not a counterargument. do you understand the idea of coercion and duress? do you understand that those things are important, legally speaking?
Because it wasn't an attack or an attempt to "take over the country" it was a false flag. Ray Epps? That really closes the book on this sham by the democRats
Seriously? This would not have been a take it to court situation. This was not going to be a situation settled by lawyers. Your "argument" is not in any way analogous to what would have happened if Pence had given in to the mob at any point. Pence didn't have to be permanently terrified. He didn't even have to be terrified temporarily, either, even though I'm sure that was the plan. He might have been INSPIRED by the riot, he might have been cajoled, convinced, snookered, brow-beaten, tortured, jolly-good-fellowed by the mob into agreeing to cancel or delay the certification. The goal was to delay or cancel, no matter the actual level of Pence's fear. ANY delay, ANY pronouncement or signal from Pence that he was going along with the mob could have AND WOULD HAVE been used by trump to say "hey, the situation is so chaotic Mike Pence can't do his job. The votes can't be certified. Time to declare a national emergency. Time to call out the troops under the Insurrection Act." Wouldn't have mattered if Pence changed his mind the next day, or if he later said "I was frightened into doing it." The situation would have already been chaos. The country would have already been under trump's declared emergency. The goal was delay or cancellation, and once that happened all hell would have broken loose. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHY trump REFUSED TO CALL OFF HIS MOB when he had the highest power to stop it.
i see so pence is scared, he does or does not certify the election, and then trump declares martial law? why would trump need pence to do anything? why cant he just declare martial law with no inputs from anyone? not only is it massively unlikely pence would ever be in danger, given that he is protected by a group of hard motherfuckers that will fill you with lead if you get near him, it doesnt seem likely he can be threatened. is your scenario that he is captured and tied up and brought back to the senate in restraints, where he does the bidding of viking hat? and nobody notices? none of the security there notices he is doing things under orders?
it was delayed past jan 6th they didnt finish all their shit until well after midnight. Congress voted to confirm Biden's electoral college win at 3:24 a.m