On Jan 3rd they met to approve 340 DC national guard to assist. https://media.defense.gov/2021/Jan/...Y-6-2021-VIOLENT-ATTACK-AT-THE-US-CAPITOL.PDF
Once the guard is deployed, they are under the guidance of who they are deployed to. That is how military command works.
"Assist" in what sense? "Activated" in what sense? Sec. of Defense gave them a stand-down order, to await his orders to assist. Orders that didn't come until four long hours after the Capitol Police had been overrun. trump was Miller's boss, and in the meantime multiple calls were being placed to trump to stop the violence. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and DC Guard Commander Gen. William J. Walker have both testified that their calls to Miller and his staff for help were being denied and ignored.
"Assist" in what sense? "Activated" in what sense? Sec. of Defense Miller gave them a stand-down order, to await his orders to assist. Orders that didn't come until four long hours after the Capitol Police had been overrun. trump was Miller's boss, and in the meantime multiple calls were being placed to trump to stop the violence. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and DC Guard Commander Gen. William J. Walker have both testified that their calls to Miller and his staff for help were being denied and ignored. It's clear to everyone here, including yourself, that you're grossly dishonest.
There is no sense to being activated. You are either an activated troop or not. Once activated, you are under the command of whomever you are deployed to.
You don't know WTF you're talking about. Our entire active service MILITARY right now is "activated". Until they're actually given orders to do something they're just waiting for orders. Sec. of Defense Miller ordered the DC National Guard to stand down, and that any anti-riot activity would have to wait his order. trump is Miller's boss. Even trump's own daughter was asking trump to stop the violence. The DC Guard commander says that his request for help after the Capitol Police was overrun was denied. Capitol police chief Sund says that his request for Guard help after he was overrun was denied. Since the Guard was already "activated", as you say, that order should have come immediately. But trump allowed the violence to continue without Guard intervention. Everybody here, including yourself, sees how grossly dishonest you are. And I'm done with you, because right now I'm tired of repeating myself.