January 6

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    look, we almost lost our democracy and would start speaking russian and eating borscht because trump the russian agent is a russian asset. dont quarrel with the details it was so close to happening!
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Yes it’s that fragile; it always has been. Read the writing of the founding fathers. They understood that a faithless man could undermine the whole edifice. It’s almost happened 3 times now. First in 1803 when Aaron Burr tried to usurp the presidency out fro under Jefferson by manipulating the votes in the electoral college. The second time was when electoral college votes were traded with Rutherford Hayes to end reconstruction. This was the third time
    seabrookcajun likes this.
  3. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This is for others, not for you. Because it's quite obvious you're either quite dense or quite unwilling to pay attention to what others actually say.

    Once again, STEP BY STEP:

    Nobody here has said that the hundreds of insurrectionists who took over the Capitol could have siezed government power. But here is how a coup could have been easily pulled off, if only one man hadn't had the gumption to do his duty. This was trump's ACTUAL PLAN:

    1- The insurrectionists were there to terrorize Mike Pence into retreating from his constitutional duty to certify the election.
    2- In the face of the constitutional crisis that would have immediately ensued, trump would have exploited the chaos to declare a national emergency and thus to use what he saw as his emergency powers.
    3- We can quite easily assume that trump would have considered it within his emergency powers to do all sorts of things: appoint his own slate of electors, for example, to declare himself the winner.
    4- A civil war would have then ensued, because there's no fucking way that the majority of Americans would sit idly by while some orange narcissist dictator destroys their democracy.
    5- Who knows which military people would have been on which side, who knows which would have prevailed... dictatorship or democracy.

    It was a coup attempt that failed.... one momma's boy away from steps 2 through 5 above.
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    so mike pence, fearing for his life, even though he is protected by the second best personal security detail on earth, begrudgingly refuses to certify?

    is he being held in a cage or somthing? in a vietnamese river jail like those fellas in the deer hunter?
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    So, if Trump would have like, just canceled the election you are telling me thats that?

    Or, can he like find the original constitution and like, tear it up?

    I would mention to you that the United States of America isn't one person, one process, or something on a paper, but I don't know if you can grasp that in this moment.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    There is no mechanism in the constitution for that to happen. What you propose is in direct conflict with the 1876 law regulating how electoral votes are determined and cast. This was an attempt to stop legal and constitutional processes so Trump could remain in office.
    No if Trump had gotten what he wanted he would have been declared president.
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    By who exactly?
    mctiger and Jmg like this.
  8. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Why did he go into hiding if he was so automatically safe from the mob? Neither Mike Pence nor his security detail would have known until hours later the utlimate size of the crowd, the types of weapons they were carrying, the successes or failures of the previous levels of security, which breaches had already occurred or would utlimately occur.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Yes I’m telling you that’s exactly what he wanted to do and if you read John Eastman’s email there was a path proposed. An illegal and unconstitutional path but a potential path. You ignore that power for executive orders was still in Trump’s hands. Possession is 90% of the law so to speak.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    so what happens if china disrupts a state, like they reprogram the voting machines in ohio and we find out in time so that the VP can refuse to certify. is the certification process merely a formality and not a real certification? could pence not refuse to certify then, or would that mean civil war as well?
    LSUpride123 likes this.

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