Yea, I wouldn't want to be that close to watching the Raiders either. :hihi: I hope he doesn't see the field this year. It's in nobody's best interests to see him get obliterated early. Same goes for Quinn, though I guess I kinda wouldn't mind seeing that.
Yep, its the first time I've ever had the pleasure of doing that. :lol: That's the story being reported, but that's not necessarily the case.
the raiders will screw this up and throw jr in by week 8 because al davis aint paying that kinda money for him to hold the cipboard.
Makes you wonder just how stupid are the Raiders. THEY have wasted JR year by trying to cheap out and play a stupid game of chicken. Both players lost. The Raiders finally folded; if they paid his first pick QB money in the first place, as they should have since that is exactly what he is, he could have been learning and possibly helped them some this year, or at least have gotten in his reps and experience. They have both lost that advantage. Sad... :dis: