The above statement is Horsesh*t. This is the exact the same thing people said about LSU's 1 point loss in Overtime against Tennessee in 2005. No matter what happens in a Loss, some people will come along and say this. Horsepucky. A Loss is a Loss. Would you have felt better if it was a 48-51 Loss? Seriously? Also, our Defense did not give up 51 points. Was the Defense on the field when Lee's INT was taken back for a TD? No. I know it's insignificant, but don't make it worse than it was.
Absolutely. It's the difference between a fart in an elevator :shock: and sh!tting your pants in an elevator. :shock::bncry::cuss::cry:
Did you see the posts from both the Kentucky & Arkansas games which were Triple Overtime Losses last year? Somehow those games both managed to be "The WAY we lost" games as well. :huh:
We are no longer accustomed to losing AT ALL, so all losses hurt. We were once rather immune to them. I like this better, though. This loss left us with many questions, and I won't feel better about any of them unless we go out and have a good performance against SC on Saturday night. Will our team prove itself? Still, close losses are WORSE. I still think about that AU loss, for instance, two years ago. We were SO close. That loss hurt much worse.
I'm not real happy with the fact that we got pushed around like lil b!tches Saturday night. That's what happened. I can handle a loss now and again, that's part of playing football. But to go out on national TV, get molested like a kid at Michael Jackson's ranch, get your lunch money stolen, and have them laugh in your face and p!$$ on your dead carcass is in-excusable. Show some phucking heart next week! Get mad and hit someone in the phucking mouth. We're not that skinny lil kid on the playground getting his arse whupped by the neighborhood bully. SO QUIT PHUCKING ACTING LIKE IT!!!! Grow a set and play like men!
Exactly! Had they won on a last second FG or we were the least bit competitive, we'd probably still be in the Top 10. As it is, a 30pt drubbing to a rival team coming off a bye and after running your mouth is makes this loss worse. So there IS a difference.
Good point about the ranking, but we'd all be feeling pretty sick playing the "what if" game, if that had happened.