June is upon us. 3 months til football. At what point do you all start catching yourself thinking about the upcoming football season on a regular basis? I am ready right now!
Season tickets and Calco transportation paid for. Looking forward to the bus rides to home games Saturdays this fall. Drunken bus rides, great food, and friends to go along with tiger football. Don't get no better.
I started thinking about the next season on January 10th. I love summer, LOVE it, in fact, the last day of school for me is today. However, I can stand school starting again because it also brings with it that best season of them all--football season!
I like Dan MaCarney. His head coaching record isn't stellar, but it was at Iowa State. The same Iowa State that won the Big12 north the year he was selected as the Big12 COY. I realize it is North Texas, but you are probably going to be looking at a coach on the other sidelines that'll be considered, if not inducted, into the college HOF. Across the NCAA, he has a lot of respect from his peers.