FWIW, here's my .02. Every student section in major college football does this. It's crude and I don't agree with it, but it is what it is. I know you don't care 'what everyone else does', but if it paints LSU in a poor light, then it also paints every other school as well. So, does LSU really stand out if everyone else is doing it? Don't believe me, go to youtube and search on the University of Wisconsin student section. I believe those guys have the most vulgar student section is D-1 (or FBS or whatever it's called now).
Because everyone else does it doesn't make it right. It requires a culture change and maybe a little "encouragement" in the right direction. If pleading to the ones who are perpetrating these incidents to stop and they do not then it may require to behavior modification. It is part of growing up. When you have kids you guide them along and make sure they know right and wrong. When they go astray it is up to you a a parent to guide them back. This is no different. We can ask for the modification but it it continues then you have to move on to other means to punish inappropriate behavior. No one in their right mind will say this behavior is OK.
Completely understand and agree. I'm just saying it's not isolated to LSU and is more of a reflection on kids in general in today's society as whole, rather than just our students.
i didnt hear it played last night. thanks students for killking a great song. i hope you are proud of yourselves.