The like was for file and okra in the gumbo. I still prefer German potato salad, but CajunlostinCali may think I am a Nazi because of my heritage
Eggs, butter, mayo, mustard, sometimes sweet pickles. Never tried green olives, but sounds great. No slimy okra please. Man I miss Louisiana. Football and gumbo!
When we all have thought it over , bet we will agree . WE NEED A QUARTERBACK THAT IS A FACT , 2nd point of agreement . AS OF YET WE AIN'T GOT ONE .
You the kaiser? I have no ill will towards today's german. We beat everything that was wrong out of them and later promoted everything that was right about them. to include their potato salad.
The Kaiser was no Nazi, far from it. I watched an interesting documentary Apocalypse WWI on the History Channel and I had forgotten how closely all the monarchs associated with the war were related. Out of this chaos came the Nazis, the Fascists, and the Communists. Hell, the Germans sent Lenin back to Russia to destabilize the country and end the eastern war. It worked, too well down the road. If you get a chance, it is a great series.
Let me let you in on a little secret about okra that will eliminate the slime, but give you all the flavor enhancement. ............ before you put your okra into the gumbo, saute it until it stops "roping". [you'll know what roping is when you see it, it is the giant threads of snot connecting the pieces of okra that are the slime]. If after about 5 mins or so, if it still has not stopped roping, add about 2 tablespoons of vinegar and stir, the roping will be gone in about a minute. Makes your okra nice and bright and green, no slime, ... and really, it makes your gumbo taste GREAT! Thank you Mimi ... Grandma-in-law from Boothville ... may your trick live on!!!
That sounds like a great trick and I will have to try it after I grow some this summer. I usually add frozen due to availability in Yankeeland about 30-45 minutes before serving and it never gets slimy. I am guessing that the freezing breaks down the coating.
I definitely don't agree with the okra gumbo, just too slimy for me My potato salad goes on the side, sorry not in it