It's the night before the first game of the season and the most active thread here is about an Oregon player. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!? GEAUX!!!! TIGERSSSSSSSS!!!! G E A U X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T I G E R S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just read on some Husky forums about how their stadium is the loudest in the country. HAH!!!!!! Our tigers are going to meet their match tomorrow night. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Man oh man, how can this next 24 hours possibly pass quick enough!!!! VERY CLOSE, yet s o f a r r r r r away from kickoff!!@@!## GEAUX! TIGERS! GEAAAAAAAUUUXXXXXXX!@!!!@##! TTTTIIIIIIIGGGEEEERRRRRRRRRSSSS!@!!! Are YOU Ready!??!?! Oh tomorrow night will be such sweet bliss as we watch out tigers romp around the great Pacific Northwest!!! Seattle has seen NOTHING like the insurgence of LSU fans they are experiencing right now, and Washington's football team certainly has not seen anything like the LSU football team they will face tomorrow night! :geaux::geauxtige:crystal::helmet::tigerhead:champs::wave::wave::miles::miles::milesmic::helmet::helmet::champs::tigerhead:tigerhead:geaux::geauxtige
ah well would you look at that. there appears to be some kind of football match tomorrow night. i hope we can score some goals.
hmmm... I may need some motivation [media][/media] AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!! LEMME SEE YA GET A MEAN ON!