No, my uncle is short-sighted and negative and has never appreciated an LSU coach until they were gone. As for your beef with Miles, I suppose you better stock up on Maalox and Tums because he's going to be at LSU for a while. (And we will miss him when he's gone.)
That made me laugh. Thanks for that. I can assure you that Les Miles will not be missed by me or the majority of fans that I personally know.
Les Miles is not an irreplaceable entity. There are several others that could adequately coach LSU. Do you really think Les Miles is that special? He's special alright! If you really want a few names then I'll throw a few out. The names will not necessarily be replacements for Les Miles. Instead, I'll list a few up and coming coaches that I think have a very bright future ahead of them. That's not to say they aren't capable of coaching at LSU.
I don't care if Les Miles gets his offensive plays off of the back of a box of Wheaties (it is the breakfast of champions, after all), the man is the winningest coach in the country over the last six years are so. So, we're supposed to drop this known entity, with all of his faults, for some "up and comer?" I think not. There are too many instances of "up and comers" being "down and goners." How many times have we seen programs (think Nebraska in college and San Diego in the NFL) fire a very successful head coach because he "wasn't meeting expectations." How are those two programs doing? I get very frustrated with Miles and have even been known to yell an expletive or two during the game, but I don't want him going anywhere. We know what we have, and its better than 99% of the country... the record speaks for itself.
Pfft, it's the SEC, everyone starts out 5-0. The formula 3 cup cakes + 2 bottom feeders= works. Okay, on a more serious note, we started out 5-0 in 2009 and ended up with 4 loses so don't put too much stock in that mark yet.
Isn't that like saying, "I don't care how many dudes my daughter screws, she's not a slut as long as she gets through high school without getting pregnant".