As of today, I'd have to give the nod to Hester also. IMO the kid embodied what we want out of the one who wears that 18 jersey. If White keeps playing the way he has in the past two games, he may surpass Hester by the end of the season. Either way, it's a tradition I like.
Thank you. And I'm not saying anything is wrong with that its just natural. I'd probably root for a black hockey player too.
No rules, dude. Just chatter and you know that. I'm not even gonna argue your point in general but in this case, Hester simply being Hester far exceeds your point about others thoughts on whether he was white or green. Was his play that garners his respect here and that will stand much taller than your personal belief on what others think.
Maybe for you, maybe for some others but I think my point is still valid and I also think it's an interesting one. And again I also said there was nothing wrong with it and it more a subconscious thing, but to each his own.