I said this Saturday, I didn't say permanently and I wouldn't consider him a candidate. How could that possibility be any bigger disaster than we saw the last 3 weeks.
They aren't covering LSU, they're writing an article. I trust the ones who cover the program more than I do some hack who has nothing more than an opinion. Like I've said, I'm no fan of Alleva and I don't know if he has an emotional attachment to the program. But he is responsible for the business end of athletics, so why would he keep paying for contract services that aren't paying out? To claim he's responsible for Les' shortcomings and have been undermining him in an attempt to get him pushed out is conspiracy theory horseshit. I've said all along I thought Alleva is a wuss for not saying or doing anything. If nothing else he should've at least given the standard "everything will be evaluated at the end of the season" line. He's tied to Miles' fate, either with him or the success of the next hire. Time will tell.
Of course I recognize that! Shit, most of us would rather he had made the necessary changes and saved everyone from this nonsense. But he didn't. Most of us appreciate all he's given. He's one of the good guys. It's not personal.
Alleva needs to hit it out of the park with his hire and I'm pretty sure he knows his fate is tied to how much the new coach wins. He comes from a basketball school but he did do well in hiring David Cutcliffe as football coach at Duke. His only significant hire here has been Johnny Jones- great recruiter but seems not to have a clue about game management.
Back in the 70's and 80's, the pay for college assistant coaches was not much more (if more at all) than a high school football coach/teacher/AD would make. Times have changed in that regard. My dad didn't want to float from state to state taking different jobs. That being said, we moved from high school job to high school job because he always wanted a new challenge, a new program to build. In 1977, he thought about taking the head job at a little university in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. I wanted him to take it (I was only 7), but all of our family was in south Louisiana, and he didn't want to leave.
Well I was referring to "JJ being a good recruiter but not much of a game day manager". Sounds like Miles