You all know what I am talking about. The boxers, socks, or jersey that you HAVE to wear for every game & you refuse to wash until the Tigers lose or else it will be your fault that they could not pull out a win. Is JJ simply Miles' pair of smelly unwashed boxers? Will he continue to keep playing him as long as we keep winning, despite the nature of those wins? Is he some kind of good luck charm? Is he a ridiculous talisman that Miles feels he has to play in order for the gods to look upon us with favor? I know this has been asked a million times here, so count this as a million & one. I just cannot fathom, for the life of me, why JJ not only starts, but gets the playing time that he does when he clearly is not as productive as Lee in the backfield.
At this point, the talk of starting Lee is only making Les more stubborn not to let fan grumbling affect his decisions. And I don't really blame him. It's his ass on the line. Playing both quarterbacks is safe. I just don't see him letting either quarterback stall drives if the other is moving the ball. Not against the teams coming up.
you know what's sad, is that I find myself hoping we just punt when Jefferson is in the game. Please just let us punt, please don't give them the ball.
JJ is quickly just becoming something else for the opposition to prepare for and little else. i'll be shocked if he's not announced the starter this week so roof and the boys will have to spend time this week on him. but i think Lee moves to get at least 75% of the snaps this week. i'd also be reaaaalllllly interested to know the breakdown of snaps at practice.
Ironically enough, it was the same thoughts for Lee in '08... My what a difference a couple of years can make.