With Turd burglars* always bashing others and poised for another season here on TF, it’s no wonder you have almost zero posts and responses ... *Turd Burglar (forum definition): A Football forum know-nothing that never contributes something substantial or posts garbage and hijacks threads with an invariably inane or sarcastic responses that keep others from posting. Synonym: DH Tranny, etc ... You mutts know who you are ...
TBH I usually read reddit first and if something interesting is popping off I come here to chat and waste time.
I traveled and went to the Miami game last year and walking out of there I knew we would have a good but not great team. Receivers were green and dline was short on depth. I think we won 1 more game than I predicted and I think this team will be better than last years. But in the SEC west especially you can have a good team and lose 4 or 5 times . The one thing with chaisson back I want to see is more pressure on the opposing qb without blitzing.
the thing about the golf thread is that it’s organic and the people discussing don’t have an agenda, you could picture them having a couple after the back 9 etc. having the same discussion they’ve had here. football threads are an altogether different thing. invariably some know it all jackass who warmed the far end of the bench and sorted jocks fresh out of the dryer before practice behind the keyboard turns into 6’5” 279 lb vince devin white lombardi, that strange hybrid, outstanding, once in a lifetime football player AND hall of fame coach/coordinator all rolled into one who manages to ruin most discussion by insisting they are incapable of error the one that’s always right... after the play’s been run.... the one who is right always, well just because, dammit they said so... that gets old but I won’t let it rob me of my joy because the rest of those hanging around here make it an enjoyable place to raise a glass 16 more days mf’ers.
4 or 5 losses and Orgeron should be immediately fired.... I think 10-2......even 9-3, the natives are going to be restless