most of you seem naive about the role gov plays. i have to keep saying it, but the gov takes all sorts of liberties away, but this is what you bitch about? policy is constantly tweaked to try to get a desired effect. it has been going on for decades if not centuries. it is accepted. it is what america is. seems like denial. you do not live in the great nation of texas or the republic of john birch. because of all this, i can only assume these are knee-jerk, koolaid-induced responses to "loss of liberty". i think sarah palin has gotten in your brains.
And once again that is where you are wrong. We (at least some of us) notice. The bitching about "this one" is just because that is what the thread was about. We could fill FSA for days if we wanted to talk about each one. It is the point that you are missing. It has to not only stop but be reversed. You figure out the name of the band yet?
? because lots of things suck, that doesnt mean things that suck are any less sucky. i dont wanna pay taxes on the bad foods. i love the bad foods. i dont care that other people are fat. too bad for them.
You can geaux to the farmers market and get twice the quality for half the price. What you gain is far more than what you will lose geauxing to whole paycheck. You get yourself introduced to your local farmer and you can ASK them how and where the product is grown. Cut down on emissions from the reduction is transportation and you might just find granny with the killer cheesecake cups. Same geauxs for meats and dairy. Farmers are getting really creative these days at the market. Try it sometime.
Man you really don't get this. It's like I said before you have no concept of liberty. Just because our liberties have been eroded, does not mean we should let them be completely washed away.
sounds like a lot of work. it is easier just to make the absurd claim that healthy food is expensive.
Remote control health, I like that. It is even more absurd to take cheap healthy food and mark it up 125% because it IS healthy. The trend continues and so as long as saps are lured into believing good food is expensive, the farmers continue to fall closer to the bottom of the industrial chain. Biff and his band of minions will continue to window dress a bottle of piss and have you believe it is from the garden of eden. Sex sells.