I have been catching up on the news of the IRS admitting to targeting conservative tea party groups leading up to the 2012 election. It is no secret I am not a fan of the Tea Party but such actions by the IRS cannot and should not be tolerated. Any person who loves liberty and justice should agree. A full investigation into the matter needs to be conducted asap and heads should roll. The part that has me stumped and perhaps some of you are more informed and can shed some light but the guy who runs that particular aspect of the IRS is a former GWB appointee. If he were a democrat I would obviously be inclined to believe that this was partisan in nature. Since it was not, what in the hell was the motivation? It sounds like they were overly scrutinizing any group that had Tea Party or Patriot in it's name when they applied for tax exempt status.
Republicans and democrats both dont care for T party patriot types. Small government, Pro Constitution, less taxes and minimum govt intrusion goes against the typical politician stand. If you can't beat them then sick IRS and dHS on them and make them pay.
They should target all political groups that try to receive 501 designation, liberal or conservative.
not all the scrutinized groups had "tea baggers" or "patriot", just most of them. citizens united ruling resulted in a big increase in groups claiming tax exempt status, do we know that conservative groups were over-represented in the scrutiny?
looks like they were, gumborue. I was a little suspicious at first also but after reviewing the known facts it appears that there was indeed some targeting of those groups. i also agree with mastermind that all groups who apply for 501 status should be heavily scrutinized.
Damn it if the Dems and Reps don't agree that this is an outrage. Maybe they can disagree on the how it happened part. Yes I think they will.
Unfortunately, this has happened before: In 2004, the NAACP was hit with an audit over accusations of improper political activity for criticizing the Bush administration. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/irs-targeted-naacp-in-2004-91284.html#ixzz2TDLscRWO
Now the justice dept gets busted http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/05/13/justice-department-secretly-obtains-ap-phone-records/
Lets see..The IRS targets conservative gruops, Justice siezes reporters' records, Cover up (of stupidity) about Bengazi...lies about the true costs and effects of Obamacare. Jeez you would think tricky dicky Nixon was president. President Obama is leading as corrupt an administration as has been around recently. Where there is smoke there is fire.