It is an interesting mixture of lunitics Gumps vs Barners good sports talk and wierdness. Finebaum is a great interviewer but he allows callers an almost unlimited forum and some of the craziest calls are heard there. He hates Louisiana and until recently thought Miles a foole (huis words), He is comtemptous of all other SEC schools except Ga.
Hate to be the spoiler alert messenger on this one, Winston .... but Finebaum's callers are mostly scripted. He has a regular set of callers (some of which are on the PFRN payroll) with an on-point agenda. Those callers are provided a back-line into the show. Finebaum is a huge bama fan, and an even bigger fan of Saban.
But but but pawwll, how's couldya talks gooowd bout that dare Les miles likes thhatts? Yous knows thhatts da teams cooach that stowl da game from the thyde. Roll damn thyde!