I would also never compare someone who is "diagnosed" as having ADHD with a diabetic. Not sure where there are any similarities.
Of course they are.... My point was that you can no more say the diabetic should be disciplined enough to produce his insulin, than you can say the person with severe ADHD should be disciplined enough to produce the bio chemicals to control his/her disability. Both disorders have a physiological component that can be exacerbated by behavior but often times not entirely controlled by behavior.
Bad analogy baw. Highly doubt anyone ever died from ADHD. Type1 almost guarantees early mortality. While I can guess you have experience with ADHD, curious if you or anyone you know has Type1 before you made that comparison.
Of course I have no medical back ground, but I can speak of my experiences. I watched a very smart young man who had problems focusing in the classroom be diagnosed with ADHD and therefore prescribed three different types of medications at different times. Vyvanse, Adderall, Concerta.. Before the med's he was an A-B student with the occasional C. I saw where one weekend before meds were prescribed he scored 5 goals in one soccer game to the following week on meds walking around the field like a zombie. I watched as his weight fluctuated from abnormally skinny to obese back and forth over a span of a few months. He developed ticks where he was constantly sniffing or clearing his throat to the point where it effected his sleeping pattern. Once he refrained from continuing the medication, the ticks stopped, he maintained a B-C average and graduated High School. He still struggles with his weight, which I believe is a result of meds effecting his metabolism. I am sure that is not listed as a result of any testing though. I don't think ADHD has taken anyone's life. But diabetes has been a contributing factor to people dying. So have drugs which are similar to what are prescribed to ADHD children.
Oh ok. I agree about the over diagnosis of ADHD and now its Autism. Every kid I see these days I am being told they are suspecting autism. One little girl was so sweet and loving and happy I told them flat out there was no way she had autism.
Please show me where I at any time stated that ADHD was life threatening. I made a very limited, but valid, comparison for the need for medication in some instances for both disorders. Nothing more.
Easy. I think the point was to show an example of a difference between the diagnosis of diabetes and ADHD.
I am genuinely sorry to hear about your friend. I started off by saying that medication for ADHD I believe is over prescribed. That is why it is so important to have a comprehensive evaluation before any medication is prescribed.