Inner-City 3rd World Country

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I'm not quite clear about what the term generational curse means. Yes, the root causes of black poverty go all the way back to slavery
    but the word generational seems to imply a genetic hereditary cause. I don't believe it has anything to do with heredity. While there is
    also poverty among both black and white people in rural areas they are not as visible as the shitholes that some major cities have become.
    You never see Appalachia on TV. There are areas in Texas where Mexican-Americans live in abject poverty but you never see McAllen or
    Harlingen on TV. Are those people victims of generational curses too?
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    If you want to go there, much of the program used was based on the attempts to bring Appalachia out of poverty. It did little good there either. It has nothing to do with black or white but whether a federally managed "anti-poverty" program is with a shit. History seems to prove they aren't; certainly not as they are established.
    The "feel good" help the helpless programs are proving the opposite. They trap people in a cycle that separates them from the rest of the economy for generations.
    The second point is that these programs have basically been developed, implemented and maintained by democratcs. Yes even those in Appalachia as West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky have only gone Republican in the last few years well after the programs were put in place.
    So YOU be intellectually honest and see that whatever republicans' faults are (and there are many) the democtats intentionally or unintentionally have been the main factor in destroying several generations of African American families with their misbegotten policies.
    Trump was right on one thing what have you got to lose? With friends like the democrats you don't need enemies.
    shane0911 likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Yes they are, it spans the color spectrum. Only a few break the cycle.
    The kid shot in Milwaukee, his dad apologized for being a shit example in his life, selling drugs, guns and gangs, he said he wasnt a good example to his son and is the reason for his son being shot by police. Thats a generational curse

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Trump was being condescending. So lets explore the metrics and statistics, first 21% of AA live in poverty, along with Hispanics and other races in the country. 58% unemployment by his metric, is 50% white unemployment by the same metric, disingenuous. Under George W Bush, African American business, particularly women was the fastest growing segment of business creation and growth. A Trend that continued under Obama, so the start of his argument is bullshit to begin with, something you cant seem to admit or maybe understand.
    you act as if I said that Dems are great for blacks, but repubs are worst by a far margin.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    It's a combination of government dependence and other factors, but dependence has a lot to do with it. I do however believe that there should be some kind of work program to be able to get benefits if you are physically able to work. I don't want to hear there are no jobs, that's bullshit. When I lost my job in 2011, I washed fucking dishes for peanuts at my friend's restaurant until I found something. The majority of people won't do that and it's very telling.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    so what does corporate welfare create? farm subsidies, bank propping,quantitative easing, etc?
    i'll ask Dimon since no one here wants to talk about all dependencies
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    A lot of people won't take those jobs because they think they can make $1000 a day selling drugs instead of $50 a day washing dishes.
    The fact that nobody will kill you or put you in jail for washing dishes doesn't enter into their reasoning
  8. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    I'll agree with you 100% on that. When corporations or farms become dependent on government welfare (subsidies, permanent tax breaks, protection from competition, and more) it produces similar problems. It's just destructive at a level that's easier to hide. It's not destructive at a personal level that flows to the next generation.

    What has happened to the AA family structure in the last 50 years is a tragedy and a national disgrace. And everybody, white, black, Dems, Repubs, and government gets a piece of the blame. It was a team effort.
    shane0911, LSUMASTERMIND and Winston1 like this.
  9. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I agree with you. I don't think we should give any money to oil industries or agriculture. We pay for the food they produce, end of story. You don't produce get another job. I can't for the life of me figure out why we pay subsidize oil.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    We pay to subsidize it because we aren't allowed to sell it. Laws make us refine it first.

    It probably would not have been developed as much as it has without that and directly supports refining in the US.

    You the consumer sees the benefit of these subsidies to oil companies everyday but just don't realize it.

    However The two largest subsidies are for farm fuel and strategic oil reserves.

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