are they taking advanced classes? my school has a very advanced track, the computech-gate program, and the regular program which has the everybody-who-isnt-in-computech-gate, honors, or AP classes. my football meetings are in one of these rooms and i saw a test that had 39/6 on it and some other division problems like that on it. it was not special ed or anything, just "regular" kids. i also happen to know that a lot of people ditch class nearly everyday and still have 2.0s. i have never actually been enrolled in one of these classes so i dont know if the 39/6 test was something out of the ordinary. do your kids go to private schools? that could be the difference. here in california, its mostly all public. my school is rare in having the "CTG" program alongside the "P" program. this is very insider information but does anybody know what classes deas is taking? what are his moms standards for "doing well enough"? if he is THAT worried about just passing the SAT, then he might not be that smart?
i think he has the sat score but his greades were real bad before this year. I think his mom just wanted him to make good enough to go to college and have a chance at a degree. dunno about classes though but im sure they are very easy classes as at most highschools if you pass all your classes before you senior year your only required to have english 4 your senior year.
u also have to take two years of PE, two years of foreign langue, three years of scoial science, three years of science, and i think up to algebra 2 or trig, in HS
It is a PUBLIC school in Ms. and they are very tough about the academics. The kids are expected to do the work and make the grades. I assure you that no one is ditching class here and making a 2.0.
alright, i wasnt insulting your kids by any means but ive heard from many that in most circumstances, public schools are horrible. good to hear that theres more.
All the signee's but one are ready to go as Steven Singleton is the only one not currently qualified. Few specifics on some other recruits but they are expected to get in.
I heard that Teague hasn't made it yet either and will most likely do as LVTGRFN said unless soemthing unexpected happens.
I can go into more specifics but NOT ALLOWED from the source. I can tell you that there are more recruits than one NOT qualified yet, but only one is expected to not make it and definitely looks as if he want and that is Teague. Singleton is another that isn't currently qualified.... Richard Murphy is still waiting his last test score and needs one more point to be qualified.