Not sure what to read into that. Les always seemed to indicate that the OC role is pretty fluid within the staff.
Maybe it's just a typo. Since we've got a lot of time to kill in the next six weeks, here's a horror story from the printing world. Thank God, it's not one of my way too many mistakes. Back in the days when Los Angeles had a number of corporate headquarters, the man who told me this story was an account executive for a printer that had just finished printing a very expensive run of corporate financial reports to be mailed to stockholders. They had worked around the clock which is usually the case for such projects and a major advertising agency had its usual half dozen graphic artists and proof readers sign off. My friend was delivering several copies of the completed book to the company. When he arrived, he was ushered into the CEO's office and proudly presented the book. Within seconds, he heard the most dreaded words a printer can hear, "Is it already printed?" Why clients' proof the final product and not the proofs, I'll never know, but that's another story. Anyway, my friend sheepishly stuttered, "Ye e e esss" to which the CEO pointed to the cover which featured the company's newly built corporate headquarters and low & behold, very tiny, but just visible in the building's shrubs were two dogs "doing it"! Fortunately, the offending image was on the cover's lower corner and the solution was a gold foil label affixed over the offending portion of the image. Since it's slow, anyone else want to post a horror story with a happy ending? Special Note To TUSK --- You may NOT tell the story of Alabama's 2011 football season as your horror story with a happy ending.
Don't seem fair. In the real football world, there is a lot more horror than redemption. I'll see what I can remember about that 1978 season and get back.
I believe les is offensive coordinator after everything is said and done. Not sure how much it makes since that kragthorpe was brought on to fill the offensive coordinator spot then that be changed and now he's back to coordinator. It just seems more like it doesnt matter if it kragthorpe or stud because les is the mind behind what goes on no matter what. Les chooses the qb and puts the gameplans together.
I agree to you to SOME degree. Les Miles has the final word on the QB situation AND the overall game plan for a game. HOWEVER, some (NOT you) have ridiculously stated that Les Miles calls the plays during the football games. IF he does, then he is more remarkable than I even give him credit for...he has ESP! Because the networks occasionally show prolonged shots of the coaches...mostly of Miles when LSU has the ball. He isn't talking into his microphone...he isn't saying one single word. Sooooo, if Miles is supposedly calling the plays without talking to anyone over the mike or talking to any person on the sidelines between plays, then he has amazing mental abilities to transfer information without any body movement of any sort. So, obviously where I completely disagree with it on is that "it doesnt matter if it kragthorpe or stud because les is the mind behind what goes on no matter what." Gameplans and overall strategy count but obviously adjustments count, individual play calling counts depending on the current offensive situation such as down, distance, score, etc. So, in that context which is incredibly important IMO, Les Miles is NOT the offensive coordinator and never has been. I will probably guess that at the end of Crowton's tenure, Miles gave him very strict guidelines for good reason...Crowton stunk it up.
This being stated just raises some questions for me. Does Miles think that Stud stunk it up last season so a move was made? Has Kragthorpe decided to take the position back and take on the responsibilites despite having the illness he has. The illness (parkinson's i think) was the reason given for him stepping down from the position in the first place wasn't it? Are Krag and Stud's offenses really similar? Was Stud chosen to run the offense last season because he had more experience with the run oriented style, and now that this season we will see more passing Krag will be better for the situation? I am sure there will be some conspiracy theorist out there too that think this is an effect of what they believed happened before and during the NCG.