Shavar Manuel quoted as saying he already knows where he wants to go, just taking some visits to make sure. Just showed Ed O at the game.
The Paramus Catholic head coach is wearing an LSU visor on the sideline. Wonder if O has anything to do with that? If not hopefully Gary got him to wear it.
Don't get me started on the Shea Patterson situation. We lost him because the esteemed HC of the LSU Tigers couldn't/wouldn't find a permanent position for his brother on the staff. Miles just let the #1 QB in the country walk away because Sean Patterson left for Ole Miss. Sad thing is, he's not even on the OM coaching staff. He's the assistant recruiting Coordinator. Shite, Miles could have hired him to coach TE's and bumped Ensminger to Admins for a year or so. You do what you have to do to get Shea to LSU at all cost. Yeah yeah yeah, I know about Franks. I'd prefer Patterson. He's more polished at this point and would be perfect for the Offense we run...........................