I missed @red55 when I thought he was just taking a break in the off-season. Now that it's football season and he's not back, he's fallen out of good graces with me- I know that will bother him a lot. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's an attention whore. He has two weeks to get back in the mix or I'm done with him and will never speak to him again. SabanFan needs to get his crusty ol ass back in here too.
I had a feeling that red was going to return after the Wisky game with a good, bad & ugly but then the Tigers had an ugly loss. Even he would be hard put to defend Miles after that
If it comes down to that, he needs to stay the phuck away. It's not about right and wrong, it's about LSU and football. He was always the one playing the, "It's an anonymous forum, you're taking this too serious" card. Only thing I can't stand more than an attn whore is a hypocrite.
And I nominate Stacey to be his mod replacement. We need a woman representative. She'll be the Hillary Clinton of the football forum world.
SabanFan was a lot of fun too. I remember the good ol days of red v Sabanfan in FSA. It probably wasn't meant to be funny, but it was. I met red one year at his tailgate. It was a lot of fun, if what I remember.