I'll come out and say it: Jimbo Fisher needs to go. (Ancient Thread)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerEducated, Oct 31, 2004.

  1. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    The punk who initiated this thread will be after Saban's head next

    What kind of a know-nothing loser would call for a coaches head only 1 year after a team wins a NC :dis:

    If there is FB God ... I hope he sends a Mack Truck through the bank building wall and crushes the life out of this idiot ... who doesn't deserve to breathe the rarefied air that is LSU ... much less comment and spew venom about a winning coach

    I'll come out and say ... Let's vote to lobotomize this sumbich ... it's still a democracy, IT can come out of the closet and can vote too ... along with ITS 2 gay political friends :wink:

    :sob: ~L~O~B~O~T~O~M~Y~ :sob:
  2. LSUHotdog

    LSUHotdog Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2002
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    TE, to be fair, you kindly pointed out to me this year when I had a problem with Wiederhold and the one or two pitches he was calling was a joke. You pointed out to me that Smoke makes those the final calls and approves the pitches a pitcher will use in the game based on their abilities. I think the same thing applies here except the only difference with Saban's gameplan is that the QB must read the defense and do check-with-me's. But the audibled plays and hot routes are obviously practiced plays designed by Saban and Fisher for the particular team.

    I mean Fisher has done more with less QB wise because he has never really had a 4 year starter, but a different QB each and every year. I do realize that the playcalling goes into a shell when things are tight and we cannot move the ball. Even last year in the Sugar Bowl, our O was crap after Spears TD return the rest of the game. That is Saban/Fisher's philosophy real time. So I guess you just have to deal with it. Besides, we win a whole lot more and no one wants to win more than Saban.
  3. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Time for me to chime in.

    I have, in the past, praised Jimbo Fisher for exceptionally well-called games, and have also blasted him for poorly called games. He's had his share of both, but I'll say that he's had more good than bad. We have definitely prospered while he's been here.

    Let me say though, that several things he does bother me. And I see patterns that bother me. Like TE said, he's good for one badly called game a season, sometimes two.

    2000: UAB (some blame Josh Booty's off the cuff audible for this loss, but what about the 59 minutes leading up to it?) and Arkansas.

    2001: Ole Miss

    2002: Alabama (Virginia Tech and Auburn were truly not his fault. Alabama play-calling was atrocious though, even with Randall playing quarterback)

    2003: Florida

    2004: Auburn (only if it was Fisher's call to leave Randall on the bench after he drove us right down the field and scored, which I don't know if it was) and Troy

    Vanderbilt was not a "bad" game, just an average called game on his part. Georgia really wasn't his fault; we had three bad turnovers and our pass defense crumbled, not much he can do on that.

    What concerns me most about Fisher is his stubbornness. He is the most stubborn offensive coordinator in the country. He does not seem to be a big believer in going with what works or "taking what the defense gives us," and he is slow to adjust to and capitalize on mismatches. He just comes into a game with the mindset of, "We're gonna run what we're gonna run, everything else and everyone else be DAMNED!" And what we're gonna run usually means run the prototypical spread West Coast offense.

    Now, I'm not dissin' Coach Fisher's offense. It's a good offense. It wins most of the time. And Coach Fisher is so good in his preparation and strategy that he knows how to work it well and it usually gets results. I just wish that, when something is working for us, when we find a groove that we're comfortable with or a mismatch we can exploit or a play they can't stop, that he would just stick with that, instead of continuing on with his pre-scripted bubble-screens and draws.

    He has done this before. In 2000's 45-38 overtime win over Mississippi State, Fisher decided to just junk the playbook and just get in the I formation and POUND with LaBrandon Toefield. And it worked. IN 2001, against Alabama, he noticed that Alabama didn't have a player who could cover Josh Reed, so we threw it all over the field and went for the jugular. And it worked.

    So I knew he's capable of doing it. Again, Fisher's offense is pretty good most of the time. But you see, football's really not that complicated. It can be, and usually is, a very simple game. There is a time for inside draws and bubble screens. But there is also a time when the underneath stuff ain't workin' where you just have to go up top, air it out, and let our fine, thorough-bred receivers (and we have had some great ones in the last five years, ain't no doubt) stretch their legs and the opposing defense a little. There are also times where you just have to get in the I formation with two tight ends and POUND UNMERCIFULLY. We've got the running backs for that. This year, we don't quite have the O-line for that, but I think they'll get better with experience and they'll be a good group next year.

    That would be my one suggestion for Coach Fisher; don't rigidly stick to your playbook and offensive philosophy. Go with what's working. Take what the defense gives you. And just let Dwayne Bowe run straight up the field and air it out; for the love of God, you could count on one hand the defensive backs in America that could cover him. LET THE BIG DOG EAT!
  4. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Offensive and defensive coordiantors are with out a doubt the most hated group of coaches in the country. We don't hate our DC because then we all know Saban is really the one calling most of the shots before the game and Will pretty much follows orders.

    Calling for Fisher's head is stupid, plain stupid. The guy is a very good coordinator and we have one of the more varied, versatile offenses in the country. He also gets a heck of a lot more imput from Saban than any of us may think he does as Saban puts his stamp on everything at LSU. Picking out a few bad plays is also a pretty easy thing to do, I'll bet $1000's that any coordinator in the country that would be available to replace Jimbo would have at least as many bad plays on his resume.

    And Jimbo does go with what is working. I've seen many a game when he kept running the same play over and over again if the defense didn't stop it, including vs Florida this year.
  5. bigfella99

    bigfella99 Founding Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Good points, cajdav1. Fisher called that inside handoff to Addai with Whitworth pulling to the right to lead the play 3 times in 4 plays against Florida. I also agree that Saban is calling a lot of the shots. I definitely think Saban is the one who is making the final call on the QB rotations. Fisher calls the plays, but I'm sure Saban is in his ear the whole game. Fisher does a nice job. There are a few better O-Coordinators like Norm Chow, but Fisher is one of the better O coordinators around. His offense might be better if he wasn't working for a defensive minded HC.
  6. L-S-U

    L-S-U Freshman

    Nov 7, 2004
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    I am so sick and tired of Tiger(thinks he's)Educated writing novels for posts. Why can't you just make posts like the rest of us, short and sweet. Why must you always endow us with your pointless insight. We could be discussing something as simple as flowers and you would type a 10 page report on flowers. I guarantee you that most people don't waste their time reading your entire post, so you're just wasting your time. I think you just sit back and gather your thoughts and let them out all in one post. Get with the program...late:dis:
  7. roynav

    roynav free your mind

    Jan 30, 2005
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    How soon they forget.

    Put me in the Herman camp. Florida State was lucky to pull out the NC game vs Auburn. Louisville anyone? A few more like that and he'll be very very available. He is a good coach, but should he be the highest paid in the country? Does he deserve the accolades some of our fans and media are heaping on him?

    There were similar threads back then griping about the offense. Pre Twitter era. Posts tended to be longer and more substantive.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
  8. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Damn I wish those dudes were still posting. Wonder if they all still alive.
    kcal likes this.
  9. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    damn ramah, was so full of sh!t...in an elegant way
  10. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    He thought Les was very laughable of a hire and would not post again till he was gone. Maybe an elephant stomped his guts out.

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