If we go 12-1 or 11-2, do you think Miles still cans Crowton?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jester, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Les Miles is the head coach. His job is to win football games for LSU. He's averaging 10 wins a season and wins major bowls and trophies. He's doing his job.

    Gary Crowton is the Offensive Coordinator. His job is to produce offense. He has produced enough that LSU stays in contention, but two straight bottom-10 offenses are unacceptable for a contender. He's not doing his job. He will be leaving.

    But his replacement will still not have a SEC-caliber quarterback to work with unless Les produces a miracle on the recruiting trail.
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    The only reason I want to get rid of Crowton is because I think we would be better served playing power football and play action, rather than this hybrid spread malarky.
  3. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    i would love to get rid of crow.

    and i would love to get dana holgorsen as oc. but my guess is he will be moving on to a hc gig somewhere soon.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    4. 9-1, 5th in BCS ( ? )
  5. vshouse

    vshouse Veteran Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    My personal opinion.......not that it makes a rats as* to miles ...but....Crowton needs to go......stats DO NOT lie. Go back over the last 3 years, It does not matter what the reason is, I do not think Gary Crowton's play calling abilities puts out best players in a position to succeed...in other words he is need calling plays best suited for the players he has.....he is trying to make his PLAYERS fit his system, rather than have his system fit his players abilities!!

    Oh and on another note.....I have nothing good or bad to say about Billy Gonzales......he came here with a ton of hype!! I have seen no benifits of him, recievers are dropping as many balls as ever, not blocking well down the field, and not running great routes either......so I guess with him I will wait another year to pass judgement.
  6. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Whats your point? They are 95th in total offense... If they are in the top 50 in total offense then they are undefeated... :rolleye33:
  7. roynav

    roynav free your mind

    Jan 30, 2005
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    You really don't think Lee or JJ are any better than their freshman season? I have to disagree.

    How bout Florida. Look like crap without Tebow dont they? Despite all the 5 star recruits and talent, they aren't looking good are they? Not getting much from the QB. Must be the OCs fault, yes? And I guess Urban Meyer must have been way way overrated this past decade.

    You have some valid points in your post. But calling for a man to be fired isnt a game or tv show. This is a real person who works hard to make a living. And while he may have made mistakes, I just flat out disagree that he should be blamed for the QBs lack of production for 1..2...3 years.
  8. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    Sep 18, 2006
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    They are marginally better, if by better you mean inconsistent. 3 years later and JJ still has virtually no pocket presence and no internal clock telling him when to throw the ball away. Lee is the definition of hot and cold.

    Addazio is a first-year OC, and Brantley is a first-year starter. And you're honestly trying to compare their performances to an OC who has been here for almost 4 seasons and TWO QBs who have played regularly for 3? Please.

    If you really can't see a pattern after all the offenses he has flushed down the toilet after his 1st year, then there's no persuading you. And Crowton gets paid very, very well to produce an adequate offense with a toolbox that Steve Spurrier would drool over. Hell, look what he's been able to do with an equally mediocre QB at USCe and a fraction of the talent LSU has.

    It's a high-risk, high-reward job, and Crowton knew that full well when he took the job. I don't know about you, but I'd love for an employer to lock me into a 6-figure contract for producing a sub-standard product with world-class resources. I can honestly say that I won't shed any tears for Gary Crowton when he parts ways with LSU.
  9. Jester

    Jester Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    Lee "may" be better, simply because he hasn't thrown a record number of pick-6's, but he also hasn't had the opportunity to. Jefferson, I think, is definitely worse. He looks absolutely horrible out there.

    Your Florida example doesn't even make sense. Yeah, Florida is having a rough time and not getting great offensive production, but:

    1. Their top playmaker has been out nearly the entire season

    2. and most important......IT IS THEIR QB's FIRST YEAR......not 2nd, not 3rd. I'll bet that 3 years from now, if he is still Florida's QB, he'll be much improved.

    Not sure what this has to do with a game show, but I do know that if I'm an employee, especially one who is getting paid as much as Crowton is, and when compared to 110 other similar employees, I have been in the bottom 10 for the last 3 years...........guess what? I'm gonna be looking for a new job, and you know what, I would expect it. I expect to be evaluated based on my performance. If the people under me don't do their job correctly, I receive the brunt of the punishment. Therefore, I do my job well. I make sure those under me do their job well, and I am rewarded with success and a paycheck. Working "hard for a living" really doesn't mean squat. I'm sure there are many people out there who work hard, but yet are totally inept, can't do a damn thing correctly, can't perform their jobs properly, and basically muck up anything that they touch..........and they are not kept on staff and paid simply because they "tried real hard".

    Are you one of those people who don't believe in keeping score and thinks everyone should get a trophy for "putting forth a great effort"? Crowton has failed as the OC here at LSU, thats it.

    There's not really a whole lot else to say. We can agree to disagree. I don't think either of us is going to change anyone's mind.
  10. KingEmeritus

    KingEmeritus ofthePoint

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Come on SabanFan, you know that doesn't make what Locoguano said untrue. Miles deserves credit for hiring the DC and the ST Coord. and for bringing in elite talent (at most positions). I assume that's what you were looking for. If he said something that doesn't add up, then correct it. Otherwise it just comes off as you trying to prove you were right by steering the argument.

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