If we go 12-1 or 11-2, do you think Miles still cans Crowton?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jester, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Inexcusable for our offense to be this dreadful for 3 straight years.
  2. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Bro, seriously...get off it already. Just because people have differing opinions that you doesnt mean they are freaking band wagon or negatigers.

    You are seriously worse than they are and getting pretty annoying. If you want to debate it then debate it. But your only response seems to be "bang wagon" "negatiger". You add nothing to the discussion.
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  3. Jester

    Jester Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    No kidding, right? Great argument, huh? "

    No, Crowton's awesome, you guys are just big meanie negatigers."

    Wondering why our offense has ranked below 100 for the past 3 years........laughable? uh, no

    Wondering why teams know the exact play we're going to run simply by the formation we're in? Laughable? nope

    Wondering why no one is teaching Jefferson to run the option or teaching our WR's to catch the damn ball ( and yes, for the person who said you can't teach good hands, BS, there are TONS of drills used to help receivers catch better, look the ball in, etc. ) Laughable? nope

    Wondering how good we'd be with our amazing Defense and Special Teams if we had an Offense that could rack up more than 100 yards in a half against ULM? Laughable? nope

    Wondering if we could have, even should have, beaten Auburn? ( the AMAZING #2 ranked BCS team who's QB ran all over us, and yet we only lost by a TD, even though our offense had pathetic production? ) Laughable? Nope

    Honestly, my man, I think its laughable that you're trying to bash on true LSU fans who want our team to be better and are simply trying to discuss and figure out the cause of our EXTREMELY LAUGHABLE performance on offense the last three seasons.
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    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I think Miles will look at the total body of work, and make the decision to let GC go. CU needs an HC here ya go.
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  5. sugarlsu

    sugarlsu Founding Member

    Jan 28, 2004
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  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I hope he goes. The first thing that came to mind as a replacement was Jaba Mangino. Then I thought about him down there with all that boudin and etouffee :nope:. Cat may literally explode on the TS sidelines, so while his offensive mind would be a great addition his lack of ability to push away from the table would surely accelerate his demise. Leach aint coming and while I think I said he would be a viable candidate before I have since backed off of that. His schemes would not work in the SEC. Silly as it may sound it may have to be some guy we've never heard of from the MAC or something like that.
  7. roynav

    roynav free your mind

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Newsflash: Firing a coach isnt the solution to every problem. Offense has sucked for 3 seasons? How has our QB production been during that stretch? You expect a SEC team to have an excellent offense with subpar QB production? How exactly would that work? Please, I really want to know. I've yet to see anybody lay out a plan as to how LSU could have had a great offense in 2008 and 2009 with Lee and JJ.

    Crowton didnt recruit those QBs. Cant hang that on him. Is it your belief that Crowton is screwing up the QB development? Some other OC would have turned Lee and JJ into first rounders by now?

    I'm agnostic on Crowton and am content with whatever Les decides. But I simply disagree with some (not all) of the flack he is taking. Some of this whining is the same as the crap in "fire les miles" threads. Some of these same Crowton bashers (not all) will be the first to start new "Fire Les Miles" threads at the earliest opportunity. LSU ends up 12-1 and we should still fire Crowton. Really? Maybe the title of this thread should really be "Ok, we arent going to be able to fire Les...this year, but maybe we can still fire Crowton in the meantime."

    I look forward to loggin in after New Years when the Tigers have just won the NC and finding the brand new spanking "Ok. Now that we won the NC, Time to Fire Crowton" thread. Followed by some other genius starting a "LSU's 5000 yards of offense in the NC game was a FLUKE" thread.
  8. dudley

    dudley oops!

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Well, that may be true, but can you name a QB that he has recruited. Oh I forgot, Andrew Hatch. We ranked 110 in total offense last year. Somewhere around 100 this year.
  9. Jester

    Jester Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    Yeah, but it could be a great solution to this problem.

    Horrible, but how often do you see schools with top-10 ( out of HS ) QBs, with perennially top-5 ranked recruiting classes, whose offense ranks in the bottom 10 out of over 100 schools 3 years in a row. With proper coaching, we would have at least seen improvement.........and we haven't.

    No, actually what I expect is improvement. I expect the players to be coached and taught so that over a 3 year period, they show some advancement in skills and abilities. Thats generally what happens when players attend college. Most of them don't come in as PP. Now, I don't have any examples offhand, but I bet there have been good SEC offenses with low par QB production. Its called play-calling and proper utilization of talent. Jefferson and Lee can throw a WR screen, a shovel pass, a toss sweep. Even with a poor QB, our offense could still be twice as productive as they are.

    Yes, absolutely. He IS the QB coach and the offensive coordinator. So, when there is NO improvement, in fact regression, in that area, then yes, alot of it is his fault. How could it not be?

    You're turning this into something that it never was. I absolutely LOVE Miles as our head coach and you will NEVER see a thread with me stating that I think he should be fired. I think Miles is a great coach, better than Saban, and is the best thing to happen to LSU football since Paul Dietzel. Has he made some dumb mistakes. Sure, but he attempts to fix them, and overall, his record is great. So, no, I'm not just on a witchhunt looking for someone to fire, but you are simply being stubborn or oblivious if you think that Crowton is without blame. Go read all of the threads out there on the internet predicting the exact thing that has happened with Crowton ( 1 year of amazing, the rest of **** ). Go examine how he has squandered some talent and mis utilized others at other schools. Do I admit Miles made a mistake hiring him. Yes, but Miles fixed the Malveto debacle. Its time to remedy this one.

    Its amazing that the two threads that you are referring to are not this one and were not started by me. All I asked was a simple question looking for discussion. When everyone expected us to go 7-5, it was pretty much a given that Crowton was gone, but somehow, someway, our defense and special teams play has kept us in games and won games for us and now we have the chance to have an amazingly successful season............with very little credit for that success going to our offense. If we were beating every team 70-66, I would be wondering if our defensive coordinator should be let go. This is the same thing.
  10. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Three reasons for LSU's offensive woes...

    1. Poor playcalling. (Crowton)
    2. Poor QB play. (Crowton)
    3. Poor QB recruiting. (Miles. He is the only one who can be blamed for LSU sitting with 2 JR QBs and no underclassmen. He recruited a 5-star QB that noone thought would play QB, yet by promising him a shot at QB, he scared off most other possible commitments. He recruited a 4-star QB then ran him off for anothe 4-star qb that everyone and their grandmother knew would get drafted into the MLB.)

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