If they don't sign up for food stamps, go and get them

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mancha, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    if you dont like this then i bet youll love the fact that the states that hire companies to put people on disability. thats evidently the main reason welfare roles shrank so much in the 90s. fed pays disability and states pay welfare, so states pay companies to move people off welfare and onto disability.
  2. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    You think our welfare system is bad? The welfare system in Isreal is getting out of hand!



    "If hundreds of thousands of healthy people do not work, and live on pensions arranged for them by means of immoral political agreements, then we have sold the interests of the working man, and we must change this," Lapid told a Tel Aviv conference this week.
    Lapid sparred with ultra-Orthodox lawmaker Moshe Gafni during a budget debate on Monday, accusing Gafni, who headed the parliament's finance committee in the previous government, of causing the huge deficit.
    "You are no longer chairman of the finance committee, because we are fed up with taking orders from you," Lapid said.
    Gafni criticized Lapid for issuing statements on Facebook on Saturdays, the Jewish sabbath, when religious Jews refrain from working and using the Internet. Government officials, even those who are not religious, have long refrained from making public statements on the sabbath.
    "I don't tell you what to do on the sabbath and you don't tell me what to do on the sabbath," Lapid replied.
    He then accused the ultra-Orthodox of encouraging large birth rates in order to take advantage of state child subsidies.
    "The body that is responsible for funding children is called their parents," he said.
    Lapid's deputy, Mickey Levy, appeared on an ultra-Orthodox radio station on Wednesday in hopes of smoothing over relations with the religious. But when the interview became tense, Levy called ultra-Orthodox Jews "parasites."
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You will be when one of those crack heads jacks your lap top because he doesn't have one to access his free internet. Ooops, I guess he does now though.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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  6. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    What's to dispute it? Landlines started under Reagan. Cell phones added under Barry. Increased about $2billion in a year. Add Internet and it'll increase even more.


    Here you go. Also a "Universal Service" fee charged to customers by cellular providers.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    are you a special needs person? seriously, Obama took office January of 2009. the program was expanded in 2008, the election was in november of 2008, the new congress and administration doesnt take place until January of the following year of an election. So explain to me how did Obama expand this in 2008.
    even the snopes article explains that what you claim isnt true.
    I must be in the fucking twilight zone.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Regardless of your political persuasion, good decent people should be able to agree that in order to save these social programs that were designed to help the disabled and elderly, we HAVE to start self-policing when it comes to "disability." The problem is that there are literally "Disability" doctors who people seek out because they know the doctor will file the paperwork for them so they can start getting a check. It was pointed out earlier that folks on the welfare roles simply were transferred to ssi-disability and this is absolutely true. I see it every day in my business: people come in and they proudly state that they are on disability and it doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to see that there isn't a damn thing in the world wrong with them. As a defender of social programs who understands that there are genuinely people who need them and that about 95% of the electorate do not mind helping them, I get fucking pissed when I see people abusing the system. I think it's high time that the decent people of this country say enough is enough and start reporting people to the appropriate government agencies when you witness abuse of the system. I think of myself as a pretty generous guy and I never mind helping someone who truly needs assistance, out of my own pocket or via government services.....that said, I would like to put a target on the backs of the lazy ass moochers who are only looking for a handout.

    As it pertains to Obama phones, I ran a guy out of my office about two weeks ago. Guy sits in my office, spends about 20 minutes cursing Obama and then proudly tells me that he has been making a killing by going to government housing projects and setting up shop to sign people up for "Obama phones." This enraged me and I told him what a fucking scum bag he was before I told him to get the fuck out of my office and to never come back. The Obama phone project has been a disaster because it has absolutely no oversight. The principle of the program is sound....same as what Reagan was thinking when he started the project decades ago.....the ability to police it is non-existant.

    To Mancha's original post.....going out and actively seeking people to add to the welfare roles is disgusting and, frankly, Anti-American IMO.
    gyver likes this.
  9. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    You got a problem with special needs? Why you all hating and shit dawg. 2008 bush was lame duck. Dems controlled congress. Doesn't matter who was in charge really. The program has exploded in last 4-5 years. Internet should be a big no.
    Chill dude. I'm chilling. Roll you a fat boy and enjoy the ride. You have just entered The Twilight zone.

    I agree with NC. People are abusing the hell out of the system. It's one thing to need it. It's another to manipulate it. Reduce the amount going around and maybe the social workers will do a better job of deciding who really needs help.

    This bill has been sitting in committee since November 2011.
    H.R.3481 - Stop Taxpayer Funded Cell Phones Act of 2011
    To prohibit universal service support of commercial mobile service through the Lifeline program. view all titles (2)
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    To be sure, I am a supporter of government programs that lend a helping hand to those who cannot take care of themselves or who are just in a rough spot. In order to protect those programs we have to eliminate the waste and fraud.....not the programs. Regarding the phones, my opinion is that a person should be given the phone for a stated period of time....say 90 days. After 90 days they are subject to review. If it is apparent that they are actively seeking employment then allow them another 90 days. If you don't put parameters on the program then there are people who will just use the government phone as their own personal cell and never use it for it's intended purpose; to allow folks a way of communication while they are job seeking.

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