if not miles then who?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by PGizle, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    ok, I realize this thread is not specifically calling for Miles to be fired, but we've seen our fair share of those types of posts to warrant a little research.

    Miles has a .772 winning percentage
    if we were to go, lets say 7-6 this season. people here would freak out and want him gone (and probably get their wish).

    A 7-6 record this year would put Miles at .743 here.

    How do schools fare when replacing a guy with that kind of winning %?
    Lets take a look

    Nebraska fired Frank Solich after the '03 season
    Solich winning percentage? .753
    His replacement's winning percentage? .551

    Michigan talked Carr into "retiring" after the '07 season
    Carr's winning percentage? .753
    His replacement's winning percentage? .333

    Miami fired Coker (who Miles is most often compared to) after '06 season
    Coker's winning percentage? .800
    His replacement? .552

    Almost didn't include Miami, because I do think they got a good coach who has them heading the right way.

    But go ahead and take a look at those numbers for a moment.
    None of these schools got their 1st choice as a replacement. Some didn't get their second choice.

    Michigan is the winning program in the history of college football, and they were turned down by several people.
    Nebraska was a MUCH more prestigious school than LSU is, and they didn't get their 1st choice.
    Miami, i think they got a good one, but he was hardly the guy they wanted. The freaking Rutgers coached turned them down.

    Why were these schools turned down by these coaching candidates?
    Could it be that no one is interested in a job where 72% or better gets you fired?

    And that's at a school with deeper history than we have.
    How attractive is a job when the best win % in school history doesn't buy security?

    Want another example?
    Tennessee fired Fat Phil with his .745 winning %.
    How's that working out for them?

    For those of you wanting Miles gone, be careful what you wish for.
  2. TigerKid05

    TigerKid05 Say Whaa!?!?

    Aug 3, 2004
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    pete carroll...if he bombs in the nfl and if miles somehow has a losing season.
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Very True Nooch

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    But only if he keeps the agent contact to a minimum
  5. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    Nooch, if he goes 7-6, then 8-5, then 7-6, then 8-5, then 6-6, then it would be okay if he was fired, right?

    But at that point, it would be a hard climb back up.

    So, how many mediocre seasons are left before Nooch says, "Okay, it's time for him to go?" I don't mean this as being inflammatory, but wanting to know where you draw the line as a Tiger fan. His winning percentage is 65% these last two seasons. At what percentage should he bottom out with before it's okay?

    For the record, I think the NC guaranteed Miles another 3 years (08, 09, 10), as it should have, but this is the year he needs to bring back his previous success and shut people up.
  6. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    i really don't know that answer.

    i'm as frustrated as everyone else with the last 2 seasons.
    so were the fans of the schools I mentioned above.

    all of those fans also felt like it was time to make a change.
    but the perception of those outside the fan base was that the expectations are un realistic.

    at what point does the national perception change?
    i really don't know.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    might wanna start listening to rivals radio and more national stuff. you will hear the program is not elite but slipping even worse than we say ourselves.

    not that i care what the natl media and others think, but just know perception of LSU has fallen bigtime. miles is labeled a buffoon.

    its almost a daily occurrence. one particular sound byte of les is played over and over.
  8. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    None of the top proven coaches are going to leave a secure job to come to LSU if 10 wins a season gets you fired. All we could do would be to catch a hopefully rising star like USC and Tennessee had to do.
  9. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    football is cyclical.

    if winning 2/3 of your games 2 yrs removed (and possibly 2-3 plays removed from a 12 win season, although admittedly 2-3 plays removed from a 7-6 season) from :crystal:, with top 10 recruiting classes, very few discipline problems, and thousands waiting for season tickets, the question becomes what then is good enough?

    what top-tier, proven coach do you hand the reins over to?

    what top-tier proven coach would want to come?

    remember you have to bring in a new staff (for the most part), one that will secure the fence around La. from day 1, one that will immediately establish the kind of relationships necessary to maintain that fence.

    also, to satisfy unrealistic expectations you have to play in the seccg every 2 yrs, and win :crystal:

    lot's to ponder

    let's hope that CLM has given the game clock keys to BG, gave GC an ultimatum, and that JJ comes through

  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    That's just a dogpile. There is less original thought from sports writers than there is here. Miles is and always will be a popular person to make fun of, primarily because of his speech. Go back and watch games from 2007. Every announcer did it in every game, but he was winning so they could not say he was stupid. They just made fun of him and moved on.

    Now granted, Miles screwed the pooch in some games and Ol MS is like an albatross around his neck, but Mack did the exact same thing last year, got lucky, and got a pass. Why no derision of him? Because he doesn't sound like an idiot.

    Miles can go undefeated this year, and you will not see people flip and admit they were wrong. They will still call him a lucky idiot. And if fans still have a problem with him when he wins, then they are more worried about the label on their shirts.

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