seriously disturbing. 1. Would renovate the stadium dorms and turn them into nice conference rooms, offices, recruiting facilities, etc. 2. Move the track out near baseball stadium and build a new PMAC on that land - suites, student section that doesn't decrease each year. The new area would have a nice park feel around it with room for a couple of dorms/buildings.
1. Tear down the dorms under the stadiums. Replace with a shrine to LSU football. (Hall of Fame, Museum, etc.) 2. Keep Old Alex Box and donate to the Rec Center for intermural championships. 3. Head to HR to collect my paycheck and head home early.
I'm with TigerBait in that I think the football dorms should be made into coaches offices. Football has their own wing of the Athletic building anyway, so they might as well just have their own building in itself. I like the mount rushmore thing. That is good stuff. Skip has to be on the mountain, though. I don't want to name the street Dale Brown street, but I would like to name the PMAC court "Coach Brown Court". Same thing with the new Box. I'd like it to be "Alex Box Stadium on Skip Bertman Field". Get a new practice facility for basketball. Because seriously, the one they have now is worse than 99% of high school gyms.
For those who want parking garages. I saw an article in the revellie a few weeks ago that there are already plans to build 5 or more parking garages over the next 10 years. The 1st one will be opened in the next 2 years on Highland where that student parking lot is located now or across from the Union. Cant remember. I think one is planned where Alex Bow is located as well.
Chalk me up as one who doesn't think parking is that bad. It could always be better, but I can park in South Stadium or the lot across the street from the Box every day, easily, no matter what time I leave for my class.
I told my father-in-law the other day if the new AD wants to score some points with the fans that this needs to be one of the first things he does.
Lots of good ideas here. 1. New basketball facilities. 2. Do something with those dorms under the football stadium and update the existing stadium; it's big enough for now. 3. Ensure that our tailgating is allowed to flourish. 4. Decide on a much better logo and allow community involvement. 5. Minimize cost to fans by finding new sources of income. 6. Reinstate LSU v Texas A&M to start the season. That game could become a good inter-conference football rivalry. 7. Push hard for a college football playoff. 8. Redo the spring football game to make it a big deal and a revenue producer. Skip Bertman already has a road named after him.