I think i'm about to re-up but this site literally died when it went the restricted forums/contributor route... bring back ramah and his glass marlin.:LSU231:
Have a student donation level of say, $9.99. They would have to provide a university email address to get it. Pretty simple.
problem is I don't think you ever lose your LSU email address. I could be wrong, but I think you can be 30 and still have your @lsu.edu address
Starting a few years ago they made it that if you graduated from LSU you get to keep that address for life. I think most people would be honest and if they are not they are at least a graduate from the school.
LSU claims they purge the student lists as early as the next semester after that student leaves. I know they can leave staff/faculty people on the email roles a good bit longer. With the switchover to googlemail for outsourcing of the student email system i have no clue how quickly they can purge things.
wow i never knew that. shows how much i use that account. My department does not use the LSU mail servers as we run our own, so i rarely (never) use my paws email. It takes me forever to remember my paws pw when i have to log in to do my lacart card stuff or my leave slips.
To be fair this was told to me by a former student that is 27ish and she has no current affiliation with LSU. Mine still works...guess we'll see. Red or Grad might know.
A front page isn't some hot inside tip. None of these ideas are. I've just never felt like implementing them. I've gotten restless and I'm just looking to mix things up a bit.