:rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi:
HMMM I wonder how much Jim Beam and Dr pepper it would take? Cause God knows I have won my fair share of bar contests with WAY Worse.
I will PROUDLY STATE that I have "never" gone to bed with a woman that ugly.....But I will honestly say that I "woke" up with a few.
The one on the right looks cross-eyed! Someone use this as a visual aide tool. Show LSU! cheerleaders next to that group of muts.... you know, a "right" and "wrong"...
Her name is Imaneeda Bigun. Imaneeda is originally from Knoxville, Tn. and perfected that "c'mon big boy" look back in Jr. High. "Needa" is famous for finishing off the JV team in a then-record 48 minutes, after which she stated, "Bring on the varsity!" :shock: