as a backup to Jefferson. I've seen a lot of people defend Lee, and one poster said that he gives 110% on every play. Now be honest. There was a play where it was 3rd and 2 (I think), and Lee scrambled over to the right, looking as if he was going to pick up the first easily. Suddenly, he noticed a defender, stops, chunks the ball in the air toward the sideline where Williams was, and then turns his back, floundering away from the play and preparing for impact. There was no one around. He wussed out. That's not 110%, and it showed to me he's not willing to put his neck on the line for his team. Even Josh Booty put his neck on the line against Bama once, and that's saying something Besides, if he was putting in 110%, wouldn't he be improving at least a little bit? He's digressed considerably in just the last few games. Wouldn't giving 110% involve actually surveying the field for another receiver? How many freaking games has it been? There is no improvement. Lee does deserve a lot of the blame. The defense finally shows up and gave the offense so many chances to score, and they blew it. John Booty and Jamie Howard must be haunting Tiger Stadium. Another thing, Miles/Crowton deserves a lot of blame as well for not putting Jefferson in. This whole "Lesticles" thing is slowly being thrown away (pun intended) because he showed no nuts tonight. It would give the fans and the team some sort of hope to change QBs. No one knew who Rohan Davey was until Booty played bad enough to get benched. How bad does it have to get? Look, I'm sure Lee is a good person, but he's a bad QB who is showing no improvement. I feel bad for Scott and the LSU defense. Give Jefferson a chance. YES HE CAN. (had to)
Although Lee is having a horrible time I'm not sure a true freshman would do any better. What has me scratching my head is why they burned his redshirt and still don't play him at least some especially as Lee fails to make any improvement. Jefferson may not be better now but with some playing time maybe he could improve where Lee seems stuck on stupid. I say play them both until one has the light bulb come on.
right on. why burn the red shirt for what was...less than 5 minutes of play? at least let him get expereince because he can't be completely awful or for that matter worse than Lee. Even if JJ is mediocre we won't be worse off. Play them both just like we were doing with Lee and Hatch.
It's unfathomable that he would do worse. I think Miles is happy coasting along this season in hopes that next season will be better. If he can't bench Lee, Peveto and Mallory, who should be judged on their entire body of work, are here to stay.
I agree he should be given some playing time, read some of my other posts this and last week. I wouldn't expect to see him look like a veteran. In fact I think you would see something a lot like Lee. However maybe with playing time he could improve, Lee has not.
Jefferson could not possibly do any worse!!!! either way, then we could at least say Miles has NO options left.....
Anyway, at least the D kept LSU and LEE in this game. Sucks that when I look back on it, we could be 8-1.
That's what I'm saying. Giving JJ a chance could show us that he is guy who makes mistakes, but can run, throw and improve. At this point, Lee's only positive is that he can throw far. There has been digression since his first real game. JJ can't be worse. The only thing that would be worse at this point is if Lee had a noodle arm.